2.2.5. Release 7.5.40

This chapter contains all changes made in Release 7.5.40 of CoreMedia Digital Experience Platform 8.

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Modules and Tooling

Release 7.5.40 contains the following CoreMedia modules:

  • CoreMedia Blueprint

  • CoreMedia CMS

  • CoreMedia Studio

  • CoreMedia Elastic Social

In addition, CoreMedia DXP 8 uses the following tooling:

CoreMedia Application Maven Plug-inAPPPLUGIN2.7.9
CoreMedia Project Maven ExtensionPROJEXT1.0.5

Table 2.5. Tooling of CoreMedia DXP 8

CoreMedia Studio Changes and Improvements

  • The page title for an Augmented Category is now correctly initialized


CoreMedia Blueprint Changes and Improvements

  • The outdated example chef configuration of roles, databags and environments contained in blueprint/boxes/chef/chef-repo/roles has been removed. Please refer to the Vagrant test setup for a tested example configuration.

  • New CentOS 7 coremedia/base7 Vagrant box

    • Using CentOS 7.2 January 2016 (1601) rolling iso (released February 3rd)

    • Provided via https://atlas.hashicorp.com/coremedia/base7

      • CentOS 7.2.1511 including kernel 3.10.0-327.4.5.el7.x86_64

      • bash 4.2.46-19.el7

      • openssl-1.0.1e-51.el7_2.2

      • mod_ssl-2.4.6-40.el7

      • VirtualBox guest additions 5.0.14

      • openjdk/1.8.0_71

      • ibjpeg-turbo-official-1.4.2-20150921

      • Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) 3.11.0

    Vagrant 1.8 and VirtualBox 5.0

    • Tested with Vagrant 1.8.1 and VirtualBox 5.0.14

  • Introducing a global installation directory for nodejs and npm, used by all themes to avoid multiple downloads of the same files.

  • In order to reduce coupling of the coremedia cookbook to database cookbooks, the dependencies to mysql, postgresql and mongodb have been removed from the coremedia cookbook.

    The only place they were used, was the db-schemas recipe, a pure development recipe, not to be used in production. The db-schemas recipe only needed them to install the client tools of the databases. Now it is either up to the base image/box to provide the client tools or they have to be installed by chef, adding the previously included recipes to the runlist. In order to do so, they are now added to the runlists of the roles management and replication. They were also added to the vagrant role storage.


Miscellaneous Changes and Improvements

  • PhantomJS 2.1.1 is now supported for the Unit Tests of the blueprint workspace

  • The CoreMedia-specific StoreInfoHandler in WebSphere Commerce returns the wcsVersion information from now on. Therefore it is not required to configure the property livecontext.ibm.wcs.version within the blueprint workspace anymore. If the StoreInfoHandler is not yet updated on the WebSphere Commerce side you still may configure the livecontext.ibm.wcs.version property via application.properties of the CAE and Studio webapps as before. The wcsVersion received from the StoreInfoHandler has precedence and a warning is written into the logfile if the wcsVersion differs from the value defined as application.properties.

  • Added a new BooleanProperty enableRetinaImages to all Sites in the Blueprint. Disabled by default, except of the new "Chef Corp" Site. If enabled, the Javascript jquery.coremedia.responsiveimages.js is choosing a larger image according to the devicePixelRatio.


Fixed Issues

  • CMS-5230: Template basic#CMDownload.asLink.ftl generates incorrect HTML

    Template CMDownload.asLink.ftl does not write UNDEFINED into link, anymore, and sets target attribute correctly now.

  • CMS-5137: Large CSS files are truncated

    Fix CSS and Javascript delivery in CAE as merged and minified files. Large files could be truncated.

  • CMS-5112: Documentation of WCS Connector contains obsolete class names

    Updated WCS customization documentation, removed obsolete and outdated confiiguration and code snippets and refer to files in workspace, instead.

  • CMS-4565: Missing info in ReferrersChangedEvent for historic replay leads to problems with Feeders

    The Content Server now also stores referring content type and property for ReferrersChangedEvents in its change log. To this end, the Content Server automatically adds two columns sourceType and property to its LinkChangeLog database table when started. This change avoids unnecessary possibly expensive reindexing when the CAE Feeder is restarted. It also ensures that the Content Feeder correctly updates the taxonomies of tagged contents after restarts of the Content Feeder.

  • CMS-1388: Replace vagrant-ohai plugin with an ohai recipe

    With the introduction of the new blueprint-testing cookbook, it is no longer necessary to install the vagrant-ohai plugin. The new cookbook contains a ohai recipe, that installs an ohai plugin that sets the correct node'ipaddress' attribute. This recipe should only be used in the context of a virtualization setup using a hostonly adapter.