2.2.7. Release 7.5.38

This chapter contains all changes made in Release 7.5.38 of CoreMedia Digital Experience Platform 8.

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Modules and Tooling

Release 7.5.38 contains the following CoreMedia modules:

  • CoreMedia Blueprint

  • CoreMedia CMS

  • CoreMedia Studio

  • CoreMedia Elastic Social

In addition, CoreMedia DXP 8 uses the following tooling:

CoreMedia Application Maven Plug-inAPPPLUGIN2.7.9
CoreMedia Project Maven ExtensionPROJEXT1.0.5

Table 2.7. Tooling of CoreMedia DXP 8

CoreMedia Studio Changes and Improvements

  • All reloadable dashboard widgets are reloaded automatically at a fixed interval when the dashboard is visible. The interval is configurable via application property studio.dashboard.refresh.interval and defaults to 30 seconds.

  • Studio sessions are closed automatically after a period of user inactivity even if the application is still running in the browser and connected to the backend. This avoids session leaks and improves security. The session timeout can be configured in the file application.properties of the Studio web application using the property studio.security.autoLogout.delay and defaults to 30 minutes. Please consult the section Security / Auto Logout in the Studio Developer Manual for further details.


CoreMedia Blueprint Changes and Improvements

  • New CentOS 7 coremedia/base7 Vagrant box

    • Using CentOS 7.2 (released Dec 14) plus updates

    • Provided via https://atlas.hashicorp.com/coremedia/base7

      • CentOS 7.2.1511 including kernel 3.10.0-327.3.1.el7.x86_64

      • bash 4.2.46-19.el7

      • openssl-1.0.1e-51.el7.9

      • mod_ssl-2.4.6-40.el7

      • VirtualBox guest additions 5.0.12

      • openjdk/1.8.0_65

      • ibjpeg-turbo-official-1.4.2-20150921

      • Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) 3.10.9

    Vagrant 1.8 and VirtualBox 5.0

    • Please use at least Vagrant 1.8.1 and VirtualBox 5.0.12


Fixed Issues

  • CMS-5045: Fixed version in npm dependency resolution for jQuery

    After jQuery release 2.2.0 the corporate page can't include jQuery after rebuild of its theme. The jQuery version is now set to the fixed version 2.1.4 in the npm dependency management.

  • CMS-4970: Create folder in Asset Repository

    Fixed a bug where the "Create Folder" button in the studio was wrongly disabled, making it impossible to create a folder.

  • CMS-4916: Struct builder

    The method StructBuilder.declareStrings() allowed to specify a maximum string length. However, the given value was not persisted, causing the declared property to change when re-read from the server. For consistency, the maximum length of strings in string lists is globally fixed to Integer.MAX_VALUE now. For compatibility, a maximum length can still be passed to StructBuilder.declareStrings(), but it is ignored.

  • CMS-4915: Structs

    The comparison of structs did not take the target type and other specific property descriptor attributes into account. Now property descriptors are compared exactly.

  • CMS-4784: Command-Line Tools Logging

    The logging configuration for command-line tools has changed introducing a common configuration for a logger named stdout. This way it is now easy to write your own command-line client and use CoreMedia standard way of logging in command-line clients. You just have to create the logger instance prefixed with "stdout." like:

    Logger LOG =
          "stdout.%s", MyTool.class.getName()

    If you are extending AbstractUAPIClient the method getLogger() will provide the appropriate logger for you.

    For a detailed description of command-line tool logging have a look at com.coremedia.cmdline.AbstractUAPIClient and its method getLogger().

  • CMS-3371: XSS vulnerabilities in tool tips

    Some potential XSS vulnerabilities in studio tooltips were fixed. By default, the AddQuickTipPlugin now strips any code from quick tips. Project code should use the qtip (or unsafeQtip) formatting macro within XTemplates, and the QtipUtil.formatQtip (or QtipUtil.formatUnsafeQtip) method within source code.