2.2.33. Release 7.5.12

This chapter contains all changes made in Release 7.5.12 of CoreMedia Digital Experience Platform 8.

Release 7.5.12 contains the following CoreMedia modules:

  • CoreMedia Blueprint

  • CoreMedia CMS

  • CoreMedia Studio

  • CoreMedia LiveContext for IBM WebSphere Commerce

  • CoreMedia Elastic Social

In addition, CoreMedia DXP 8 uses the following tooling:

CoreMedia Application Maven Plug-inAPPPLUGIN2.7.9
CoreMedia Project Maven ExtensionPROJEXT1.0.5

Table 2.38. Tooling of CoreMedia DXP 8

CoreMedia CMS Improvements

  • The CAE Feeder configuration property applicationname has changed from value proactiveengine to caefeeder (fixes bug CMS-1436). Because of this you must execute the following SQL statement before starting the CAE Feeder with a database that was created by an earlier version. No action is necessary when the CAE Feeder is started with an empty database.

    UPDATE pcproperties
    SET content = 'caefeeder'
    WHERE property = 'com.coremedia.amaro.persistentcache.propertystore.PropertyVerifier-application';
  • The type of some database columns or database sequences used by Proactive Engine and CAE Feeder applications has changed from INT to BIGINT for MySQL, IBM DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server databases. PostgreSQL and Oracle databases are not affected. Have a look at the Supported Environments manual for supported databases.

    This change avoids future database errors with long running applications and high update frequency (fixes bug CMS-1505).

    The change is automatically applied when the Proactive Engine or CAE Feeder application is started with an empty database. Existing databases continue to work with this release but we recommend to adapt the database definitions to avoid future problems. To this end, shut down the Proactive Engine or CAE Feeder application and execute the following SQL statements - depending on the type of database:

    For MySQL:

    ALTER TABLE ppckeys
    CHANGE COLUMN validated validated BIGINT DEFAULT 0,
    CHANGE COLUMN removed removed BIGINT DEFAULT 0,
    CHANGE COLUMN lastmodified lastmodified BIGINT NOT NULL;
    ALTER TABLE ppcevents
    CHANGE COLUMN acknowledged acknowledged BIGINT DEFAULT 0;

    For IBM DB2:

    SELECT max(lastmodified)+1 FROM ppckeys;
    DROP SEQUENCE s_ppckeys_lastmodified;
    -- replace <next value> with the result of the first statement
    CREATE SEQUENCE s_ppckeys_lastmodified AS BIGINT ORDER START WITH <next value>;

    For Microsoft SQL Server:

    The columns validated, removed, lastmodified of table ppckeys and the column acknowledged of table ppcevents should be changed from data type INT to BIGINT. Sadly we cannot provide simple ALTER TABLE statements because column type changes are not possible with existing column constraints such as default values.

    Alternatively you can either start with an empty database to create new tables with BIGINT columns or just keep the current database schema. You will not run into problems with the existing INT columns as long as the value of select max(lastmodified) from ppckeys is much smaller than 2147483647.

CoreMedia Studio Improvements

  • When starting a Publication or Translation Workflow, users can now chose whether the content items should be removed from "My Edited Content". This allows to use the same My Edited Content set for publication as well as translation. It also supports scenarios with an unpublished master site.

    Content items are no longer automatically removed from "My Edited Content" when they reach the published state through other means.

  • The deprecated class com.coremedia.rest.cap.blob.BlobUploadService has been removed. Use HTML5 FormData object on client side and Jersey's FormDataParam on server side instead.

CoreMedia Elastic Social Improvements

CoreMedia LiveContext for IBM WebSphere Commerce Improvements

  • User Segments and Marketing Spots supporting Studio Event Push on invalidation. Please note to install the associated database trigger on your IBM WCS Installation. For details see the section Event based Cache Invaldidation in the [Live Context Manual].

  • Store Configuration can be configured in Spring or via settings configuration in Studio. Store Configuration via Spring for better support of multi environment deployment scenarios. For details see the section Configuration of an IBM WCS Shop in the [Live Context Manual].

    Tenant specific property replacement to replace placeholder tokens within your configured store urls etc. with values defined in the current StoreContext at runtime. For details see the section Configuration of an IBM WCS Shop in the [Live Context Manual].

CoreMedia Project Improvements

CoreMedia Blueprint Improvements

  • The CAE PageHandler supports vanity and channel URLs that end with a dash and a numeric value such as perfectchef/magazine-spring/spring-salads-2014 now. Before this change such trailing numbers were always interpreted as document IDs and requests were answered with "404 Not Found" if no CMLinkable with matching navigation segment path, segment and document ID was found. The PageHandler tries to resolve such URLs now in the following order:

    1. render the target of a matching vanity URL definition

    2. render the CMChannel page if the path equals the navigation segment path to that channel (i.e. the segment property of the channel ends with a dash and a number)

    3. render the page for the CMLinkable with matching navigation segment path, segment and numeric document ID

    As part of this change, the method signatures handleRequest of class com.coremedia.blueprint.cae.handlers.PageHandler and handleRequestInternal of com.coremedia.blueprint.cae.handlers.DefaultPageHandler were changed and take an additional int parameter now.

    This change fixes bug CMS-352 ("Numbers in page segments break CAE").

Known Issues

  • Uploading XLIFF files via Create content / Upload files fails. There is no workaround.

  • Current release is limited to English edition of Perfect Chef only. There is no alternative language version of Perfect Chef available in WCS. Workaround is not yet available.

  • The redirect that is executed after a successful registration is broken. To fix it manually, replace the redirect variable in line 17 of the template "Registration.continueCheckout.ftl" with the following URL: https://your.websphere.commerce.domain/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/OrderShippingBillingView?shipmentType=single&catalogId=10051&langId=-1&storeId=10851. Make sure that you apply the correct store and catalog id.

Closed JIRA Issues

CMS-1614BugSitemap depth setting ignoredFixed
CMS-1607BugRegistration on shopping cart page leads to "Resource not Found"Fixed
CMS-1603BugQuick Reference Flow: Duplicate results when searching for "summer dresses" on the Aurora siteFixed
CMS-1560BugBlueprint workspace test failures with Java 7u65Fixed
CMS-1553TaskUpdate masonryFixed
CMS-1546BugMedia Site CMVideo template pollutes cae log with exceptionsFixed
CMS-1543BugCheck fragment include for productsFixed
CMS-1535 (36180)BugCAE Feeder massive performance degradation due to configuration error for "proactiveengine(.senders).evaluators"Fixed
CMS-1533BugCommerce led: Linkable in externalRef is never renderedFixed
CMS-1530TaskMove CoreMedia commerce pages and layout into separate foldersFixed
CMS-1527BugAurora search shows no CoreMedia resultsDuplicate
CMS-1505 (36274)BugCAE Feeder / Proactive Engine timestamp number exceeds range in databaseFixed
CMS-1502BugHeadline for finished (publication?) workflows is not formattedFixed
CMS-1500BugImageMap in 2column layout: Product info overlays are too largeFixed
CMS-1497BugLC2: Studio only shows some categories, I need allFixed
CMS-1496BugReduce viewtypes for MarketingSpotsFixed
CMS-1491BugEdit profile page brokenFixed
CMS-1488BugProduct LinkList does not work for quick create dialog in StudioFixed
CMS-1487BugSLP from commerce led scenario points to PC, not AuroraFixed
CMS-1480BugUnable to change Image Map overlay themeFixed
CMS-1471FeatureMake sending a registration mail configurable by propertyFixed
CMS-1460BugIndexing Of Marketing Data Not Triggered AutomaticallyFixed
CMS-1456ChangeECommerce Service LoginServiceImpl must be enabled to handle encrypted service user pwFixed
CMS-1451BugRelated Content On Augmented PDP Appears Broken In ChromeFixed
CMS-1450BugWrong Aspect Ratio On Video-based AugmentationFixed
CMS-1444BugOpen WCS Management in Apps menu does not workFixed
CMS-1436 (36180)BugCAE Feeder configuration error for "applicationname" causes migration errorFixed
CMS-1424BugProduct Category Teaser's Image Margin Too SmallFixed
CMS-1422BugSocial Network Links Link To Wrong LocaleFixed
CMS-1410BugUser Items/Favorites Toolbar: Double escaping in Drag-Drop-HintsFixed
CMS-1399BugStoreLocators is rendered with wrong store idFixed
CMS-1370BugSLP For Summer Dresses Lacks Image MapFixed
CMS-1369BugRelated Content Video is brokenFixed
CMS-1367 (36122)BugMedia Blueprint: Flash Fallback of Mediaelement Videoplayer not working in IE 8 and IE 9Fixed
CMS-1361BugWCS Category Thumbnail URLs do not refer to the correct AssetStoreFixed
CMS-1359BugLink on product teaser in richtext does not link directly to PDPFixed
CMS-1295BugCannot access Search Field in "My Content Sets" (IE9, Chrome)Fixed
CMS-1294BugMy Content Sets: Missing gray border (compared to other Control Room Elements)Fixed
CMS-1283FeatureAdd Spinner for Images until image is loadedFixed
CMS-1268BugElastic Social Struct Settings enable/disable are ignoredFixed
CMS-1246BugValidator Tooltip for e-Marketing Spot exceeds Tooltip BoxFixed
CMS-1243BugFix content for SLPs on Perfect Chef siteFixed
CMS-1242BugLogout link broken when session is already expiredWon't Fix
CMS-1241Bug'Forgot Password' link looks arkwardFixed
CMS-1239BugSLPs do not show the blue commerce preview info areaWon't Fix
CMS-1212BugExternal Preview does not workFixed
CMS-1185BugImages in Preview are too largeFixed
CMS-1173BugProduct teaser link not rendered correctly when linking a product teaser into RichTextDuplicate
CMS-1163BugHost configuration not documentedFixed
CMS-1138BugNearly impossible to type into Persona String Property FieldsFixed
CMS-1120BugResetting preview date (time travel) still shows last cached preview dateFixed
CMS-1119BugPreview Time Travel only works reliably in single-user mode (race condition)Fixed
CMS-1110BugCoreMedia widget not enabled in eSitesFixed
CMS-1097BugFix template according to fragment viewnamesFixed
CMS-1072BugCannot (or can hardly) edit URL segments at the beginningFixed
CMS-905BugOrder of image editor tabs does not match tabs of previewFixed
CMS-716 (34925)BugComplete documentation for AbstractContentBeanFixed
CMS-352 (35633)BugNumbers in page segments break CAEFixed
CMS-95 (33727)ChangeJavaDoc of UrlBlob#isPersistentUrl is unclearFixed

Table 2.39. 7.5.12