2.2.8. Release 7.5.37

This chapter contains all changes made in Release 7.5.37 of CoreMedia Digital Experience Platform 8.

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Modules and Tooling

Release 7.5.37 contains the following CoreMedia modules:

  • CoreMedia Blueprint

  • CoreMedia CMS

  • CoreMedia Studio

  • CoreMedia Elastic Social

In addition, CoreMedia DXP 8 uses the following tooling:

CoreMedia Application Maven Plug-inAPPPLUGIN2.7.9
CoreMedia Project Maven ExtensionPROJEXT1.0.5

Table 2.8. Tooling of CoreMedia DXP 8

CoreMedia CMS Changes and Improvements

  • Most (see note below) command line tools now provide an extension point similar to the Application Architecture as described in Concepts and Architecture of the CoreMedia Manual.

    Details are described in JavaDoc of com.coremedia.cmdline.AbstractSpringAwareUAPIClient.

    The previously existing approach for providing custom beans by overriding getApplicationContextPath() still exists as an option if you require to have beans exclusively reserved for your command line tool.

    Note: This change is only applies to command line tools derived from AbstractSpringAwareUAPIClient. For command line tools provided by CoreMedia this applies to most but not all command line tools.

  • The creation of Page ContentBeans in PageHandlerBase is now implemented via Spring instead of direct instantiation from Java, allowing for easier customization (such as injection of services).


CoreMedia Studio Changes and Improvements

    • moved preview date components to blueprint-base

    • deleted unused component PathDoctypeContentSelectorPropertyField.exml

    • deleted unused component ViewtypeContentSelectorPropertyField.exml

    • moved NewContentSettings.properties resource bundle to the Editor.properties

    • moved all resource bundles from blueprint-components to blueprint-forms

    • moved all plugin usages from blueprint-components to blueprint-forms

    • moved ImageContextLinkListPropertyField to bpbase-studio-components

    • moved NavigationLinkField to bpbase-studio-components

    • deleted unused InvertedInlineBooleanPropertyField.exml

    • deprecated BlueprintStudioPlugin.exml: use BlueprintFormsStudioPlugin.exml instead

  • The properties of the default lookup paths for configurations has been moved to the application.properties of the studio-webapp. The following two properties are now mandatory, e.g. to configure topic pages or taxonomies:

    • studio.siteConfigurationPath=Options/Settings

    • studio.globalConfigurationPath=/Settings

    If a Studio plugin needs a settings document for configuration the ConfigurationService can still be used, which has now been moved to the module "bpbase-studio-rest".

    If a Studio plugin requires to read settings data on the client side, the StudioConfigurationUtil.as should be used for this. It will use the same lookup path like the ConfigurationService on the Java side.


CoreMedia Blueprint Changes and Improvements

  • In order to integrate seamlessly into the eCommerce API, the new content type CMSpinner needs to extend CMVisual. However, CMSpinner cannot implement CMVisual#getData with return type Blob in a reasonable manner, since it has no single blob property which holds all image data of the spinner. So we slightly changed CMVisual.

    • The data property has been removed from the CMVisual content type. Since it is overridden in all existing subtypes (CMPicture, CMVideo, CMInteractive) anyway in order to refine the mimetype, this is compatible with existing repositories.

    • CMVisual#getData (with return type Blob) has been removed from the CMVisual interface. CMVisual inherits CMMedia#getData now, which has Object as return type. This allows us to declare CMSpinner#getData as List<CMPicture>. The refinement to return type Blob has been pushed down to the interfaces CMPicture, CMVideo and CMInteractive, so that they are effectively unchanged.

    If you have custom content types derived from CMVisual, you should adapt them in the same fashion.

  • The properties "longDescription" and "shortDescription" have been removed from CMProduct and CMCategory document types.

    For CMProduct, these properties have been mapped to "teaserText" and "detailText".

    For CMCategory, the property has been removed.

  • A new Maven Plugin has been implemented to convert web resources (e.g. css, js, images...) to a xml file, which can be imported using the CoreMedia Serverimport tool. This allows content and web resources to be managed without redundance and to be deployed in the same format. The blueprint has been adapted to use the new plugin. For further details, please consult the documentation of the CoreMedia Webresources Maven Plugin


CoreMedia Elastic Social Changes and Improvements

  • changed default property "configure.ELASTIC_MAIL_HOST" from formerly "mail.server.com" to "localhost"


Miscellaneous Changes and Improvements

  • New Doctype: CMExternalPage To augment pages from websphere commerce we introduced a new doctype CMExternalPage with two properties:

    1. externalId

    The Page Id from websphere commerce. It will be used to find the page in CMS (must match the pageId parameter which is sent by the lc-include tag).

    1. externalUriPath

    The external uri path if the augmented page is not a seo managed page. If an external uri path is given it will be directly used for link building.

    In Studio the appropriate document is called Augmented Page and the new properties can be filled in the navigation tab.

    Migration: CMExternalChannel which are representing a page in aurora must be migrated to the new doctype CMExternalPage (e.g. /Sites/Aurora Augmentation/United States/English/Navigation/Aurora Augmentation). In particular, the homepage needs to be converted. In the most cases the externalId field can be left empty for the aurora homepage.

    • jangaroo-tools has been updated to version 2.0.17

    • jangaroo-libs has been updated to version 2.0.15

    See jangaroo-tools issue tracker and jangaroo-libs issue tracker for a list of changes.

  • The Corporate Website Blueprint can display Videos now. Supported formats are Youtube, Vimeo and uploaded videos. The video playback based on native browser support. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Supported_media_formats#Browser_compatibility for compatible media formats.

    The Superhero teaser type displays a large full-screen looped video in the background. All other teasers are indicated by a play overlay icon and open the video in a responsive full-screen popup.


Fixed Issues

  • CMS-4868: Increase heap for publishall

    The heap available to the tool cm publishall has been increased to 128 MByte to ensure stability during large publications.

  • CMS-4813: Cache headers for dynamic requests only set when Live Context extension is active

    Replaced com.coremedia.livecontext.handler.NoCacheHeaderInterceptor by com.coremedia.springframework.web.servlet.support.OrderedWebContentInterceptor whose base class was already used in the cae-base-lib module.

    Applying custom cache mappings to the URL patterns of your extension is as easy as adding the following configuration to your Spring application context:

    <util:map id="customCacheMapping" map-class="java.util.LinkedHashMap">
      <entry key="#{T(com.extension.CustomHandler).URI_PATTERN}" value="0"/>
    <customize:prepend id="appendCustomCacheMapping" bean="uriToCacheSecondsMapping" custom-ref="customCacheMapping"/>

    This code snippet adds basically the same Cache-Control response headers as the NoCacheHeaderInterceptor to all requests with the given URI pattern.

  • CMS-4746: commons-collections 3.2.2

    The thirdparty library commons-collections:commons-collections has been updated to most recent version 3.2.2. This fixes a security issue in InvokerTransformer. See \[COLLECTIONS-580\ Arbitrary remote code execution with InvokerTransformer (ASF JIRA)|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COLLECTIONS-580] for details.

  • CMS-4637: New configuration for the sorting of collection view lists

    From now on two new configuration properties for sorting the lists in the collection view exist. With the attribute defaultSortColumn one column can be marked as default column. If no default column is set the old behaviour will be used. With the attribute defaultSortDirection the sort direction of the default sort column can be set. Valid values are asc (ascending) and desc (descending). If not set the column will be sorted ascending.