Command Line Tools

The tools artifacts are located in the modules/cmd-tools folder and are named with the pattern *-application. Each of these modules create a target/*-tools.zip archive, that contains its tools. To deploy these artifacts, extract them and configure the properties below properties/corem to match your deployment.

key cap.client.server.ior.url
example value http://localhost:9080/cms/ior
description The URL of the login service IOR of the Content Server. Make sure you use the correct host and context path.
key sql.store.driver
example value org.postgresql.Driver
descriptionThe class of the database driver
key sql.store.url
example value jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/coremedia
descriptionThe URL of the database connection
key sql.store.user
example value cm7management
descriptionThe name of the database user
key sql.store.password
example value cm7management
descriptionThe password of the database user

Table 4.19. Tools