Site Manager

key cap.client.server.ior.url
example value http://localhost:9080/cms/ior
descriptionThe URL of the login service IOR of the Content Management Server.
key editor.configuration
example value http://localhost:9080/editor-webstart/webstart/properties/corem/editor.xml
descriptionThe URL of the editor configuration. You cannot use localhost here, but instead use the fully qualified name of the host.
key editor.startup.configuration
example value http://localhost:9080/editor-webstart/webstart/properties/corem/editor-startup.xml
descriptionThe URL of the editor startup configuration. You cannot use localhost here but instead use the fully qualified name of the host.
key workflow.client.server.ior.url
example value http://localhost:9080/wfs/ior
descriptionThe URL of the Workflow Server
key cap.client.server.ior.url
example value http://localhost:9080/wfs/ior
descriptionThe URL of the Workflow Server
key javaws.coremedia.com.sun.CORBA.legacy.connection.ORBSocketFactoryClass
default value com.sun.corba.se.impl.legacy.connection.DefaultSocketFactory
descriptionProperty to plug in an own socket factory class to an ORB
key javaws.coremedia.com.coremedia.corba.SSLClientSocketFactory.clearTextPort
example value 14300,14305
description"IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT" listening port of the server ORB, which is used in IOP profiles of object references exported by an ORB
key javaws.coremedia.com.coremedia.corba.SSLClientSocketFactory.sslPort
example value 0
descriptionThe SSL Port for the socket factory
key javaws.coremedia.com.coremedia.corba.SSLClientSocketFactory.keystore
example value
descriptionPath to the KeyStore
key javaws.coremedia.com.coremedia.corba.SSLClientSocketFactory.passphrase
example value
descriptionThe password for the connection

Table 4.18. Site Manager