4.2. Configure the Build Process

Similar to building RPMs, the build process for WebSphere deployments can be separated into preconfiguration and post-configuration. Manually modifying WAR files is a form of post-configuration, whereas the other approaches mentioned before are preconfigured ones.

To help you with configuring the applications for IBM WebSphere Application Server deployment, the following tables list the minimal set of properties you need to modify to wire the CoreMedia web applications. Remember, that except for WebDAV, Solr and Site Manager, all web applications support the component approach and can be configured solely by modifying the WEB-INF/application.properties. The original property file names and their paths are only listed here as a reference to find the origin and possible documentation in form of comments.

In the example values listed in the tables of the following sections about application specific configurations, assumptions were made over the context paths the web applications are deployed to. However, they are completely arbitrary and you can choose them yourself. For the example the following context paths to web application mapping were chosen.

Content Management Servercms
Master Live Servermls
Replication Live Serverrls
Workflow Serverwfs
Content Feedercontentfeeder
User Changesuser-changes
Elastic Workerelastic-worker
Solr Search Engine (Master)solr
CAE Feeder Previewcaefeeder-preview
CAE Feeder Previewcaefeeder-live
Preview CAEpreview
Live CAEdelivery
Site Manager Web Startsitemanager

Table 4.2. Context Paths