
key repository.url
example value http://localhost:9080/cms/ior
descriptionThe URL of the login service IOR of the Content Management Server.
key studio.previewUrlPrefix
example value http://localhost:9080/preview/servlet
descriptionThe URL of the Preview
key toolbox.jmx.url
example value service:jmx:iiop:///jndi/JMXConnector
descriptionThe JMX connection address for the CAE Toolbox Plugin.
key es.cae.http.port
example value 9080
descriptionThe port of the CAE to which the user sends requests
key es.cae.http.host
example value localhost
descriptionThe host of the CAE to which the user sends requests
key es.cae.protocol
example value http
descriptionThe protocol used by the CAE for communication between user and CAE
key elastic.solr.url
example value http://localhost:9080/solr/
descriptionApache Solr URL
key blueprint.host.helios
example value localhost
descriptionThe host on which the preview CAE runs
key externalpreview.restUrl
example value http://localhost:9080/preview/servlet/externalpreview
descriptionThe URL the REST resource of the external preview should push the data to. The controller addressed here must belong to a preview CAE.
key externalpreview.previewUrl
example value http://localhost:9080/preview/externalpreview
descriptionThe URL where the login page of the external preview can be found.
key externalpreview.urlPrefix
example value http://localhost:9080
descriptionThis prefix and the relative preview URL is send to the external preview URL to be displayed in the preview iframe.
key mongoDb.clientURI
example value mongodb://localhost:27017/

The standard MongoDB connection string URI is used to configure your MongoDB connection, for example, it allows you to configure read preferences and write concerns. The format of a client URI is documented under the following link: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/connection-string/.

key repository.heapCacheSize
example value 314572800

This property indicates the number of bytes used for the main memory cache of the Unified API embedded in the Content Application Engine . For 64-bit JVMs, the actual memory consumption may be up to twice the configured value. For 32-bit JVMs, the byte count is exact. When multiple CAEs run in a single application server, the caches are kept separate and the configured cache sizes add up.

key repository.blobCacheSize
example value 10737418240
descriptionThis property defines the number of bytes of the disk cache for blobs.
key repository.blobStreamingSizeThreshold
example value -1
descriptionThe minimum size of streamed blobs in bytes. blobs less than or equal to this size will be downloaded completely to disk before the first byte can be read. Larger blobs will be downloaded in the background.
key repository.blobStreamingThreads
example value -1
descriptionThe number of threads reserved for streaming blob
key repository.maxCachedBlobSize
example value -1
descriptionThe maximum size of blobs that are cached on the local disk. Larger blobs are downloaded from the Content Server on every request.

Table 4.16. Studio