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Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2104

Table Of Contents Predefined Publication Workflows

The predefined workflows for the approval and publication of resources are described in the following table. These workflows can be uploaded using cm upload -n <filename>. You can examine their definition and use them as examples for your own definitions, by downloading an uploaded definition using cm download <ProcessName>.


Definition name

simple publication

Process StudioSimplePublication defined in studio-simple-publication.xml

2-step publication

Process StudioTwoStepPublication defined in studio-two-step-publication.xml

Table 5.27. Predefined publication workflow definitions

Publication workflow steps

The following table compares the working steps which are covered by the predefined workflows.


simple publication

2-step publication


A user creates the workflow with all necessary resources.

A user creates the workflow with all necessary resources.


The resources are published (and implicitly approved) in one step, performed by the same user, who needs 'approve' and 'publish' rights.

A second user (needs 'approval' and 'publish' rights) can explicitly approve resources. In Studio, the second user may also modify the resources before


Publication will be executed when finishing the task after all resources in the change set have been approved.


(If not, the workflow is returned to its 'composer')

Table 5.28. Predefined publication workflow steps

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