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Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2104

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4.3.2 Starting Applications using Maven

As an alternative to the IDEA integration, you can start most of the applications using the spring-boot-maven-plugin.

Exception: The Studio Client must be started via a local Jetty Server

Using CoreMedia’s configuration facade makes it very simple to use remote services when developing a single app. Simply run

mvn spring-boot:run<FQDN>

If more than one app is started locally, simply add the required convenience host properties to the command-line.



Please activate the Maven profile dev, that is, mvn spring-boot:run -Pdev, when you start the following Spring Boot apps locally:

  • cae-preview-app and cae-live-app

  • workflow-server-app

  • studio-packages-proxy-app

  • content-server-app

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