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Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2104

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3.1 Prerequisites

In order to work with the Blueprint workspace you need to meet some requirements.



For an overview of exact versions of the supported software environments (Java, servlet container, databases, operating systems, directory services, web browsers) please refer to the Supported Environments document at

CoreMedia Account

In order to get access to the download page, to the CoreMedia contributions repository and to CoreMedia's Maven repository (, you need to have a CoreMedia account. See Section 1.3.1, “Registration” for details. If in doubt, contact CoreMedia support to validate your permissions (see Section 1.3.5, “CoreMedia Support”).



CoreMedia User Orientation for CoreMedia Developers and Partners

Find the latest overview of all CoreMedia services and further references at:

Find the current online documentation at:

Find the download links at the CoreMedia release page at:

Internet access

CoreMedia provides the CoreMedia Content Cloud components as Maven artifacts. These components in turn depend on many third-party components. If your operator has not yet set up and populated a local repository manager, you need Internet access so that Maven can download the artifacts.



Maven Repository and Internet Access

The CoreMedia Blueprint workspace relies heavily on Maven as a build tool. That is, Maven will download CoreMedia artifacts, third-party components and Maven plugins from the private CoreMedia repository and other, public repositories (Maven Central Repository, for example). This might interfere with your company's internet policy. Moreover, if a big project accesses public repositories too frequently, the repository operator might block your domain in order to prevent overload. The best way to circumvent both problems is to use a repository manager like Sonatype Nexus, that decouples the development computers from direct Internet access.

Maven Repository Manager

CoreMedia strongly recommends to use a repository manager to mirror CoreMedia's Maven repository, for example Sonatype Nexus. Alternatively, if a repository manager is not available, configure your credentials for the CoreMedia Maven repositories in your ~/.m2/settings.xml file as shown below. Simply replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with your CoreMedia user name and password. It is strongly recommended, that you do not enter the password in plaintext in the settings.xml file but encrypt the password. To do so, follow the instructions at or any other available Maven documentation.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns=""

Maven requires the following minimal memory settings:


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