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Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2104

Table Of Contents Studio Client using a local Jetty Server

This approach delivers your local static Studio Client resources via a Jetty Server started with the Maven goal jangaroo:run.

Working Directory:


You have the following possibilities to connect your Studio Client (plugin) with a Studio server.

Connect Remote Studio Server

Start the Studio Client and connect against a remote Studio running at v`<FQDN>` via

mvn jangaroo:run -pl :studio-app<FQDN>

With this command line call, only Rest requests are proxied to/from the remote Studio Server. No remote static Studio Client resources are proxied, that is, all Studio Client resources are served locally.

Proxy Remote Studio Server and remote Studio Client Resources

This case is interesting if you develop a custom Studio Client plugin, for example, my-studio-module and want to proxy the static resources of the Studio Client as well as the Rest requests.

To proxy all request to/from the remote Studio, you need to start the Studio Client via

mvn jangaroo:run -pl :my-studio-module \
   -DjooProxyPathSpec=/* \


mvn jangaroo:run -pl :my-studio-module \
   -DjooProxyPathSpec=/* \<FQDN>

Now, all Rest requests are proxied from/to the remote Studio Server as well as the Studio Client resources from the remote Studio.

Connecting with Local Studio Server

First: Start Studio Server locally.

Then just start the Studio Client via

mvn jangaroo:run -pl :studio-app

With this command line call, the Rest requests are proxied to/from the locally started Studio Server.

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