Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2104
Table Of ContentsThis section describes various actions that can be used to define a translation workflow.
Section, “GetDerivedContentsAction” describes an action that computes, and if necessary creates derived contents from a given set of master contents.
Section, “CreateTranslationTreeData” describes an action that computes the data for the TranslationTree in the Studio Client.
Section, “FilterDerivedContentsAction” describes an action that filters previously computed derived contents.
Section, “GetSiteManagerGroupAction” describes an action that determines a site manager group and stores it in a process variable. If the process variable is atomic, only the first given site manager group will be set. It is recommended to use an aggregation variable as target, though.
Section, “ExtractPerformerAction” describes an action that identifies the user who executes that current task and stores a user object in a process variable.
Section, “AutoMergeTranslationAction” describes an action that automatically updates properties of derived contents after changes in their master content.
Section, “ AutoMergeSyncAction ” describes an action that automatically updates properties of derived contents after changes in their master content in the context of a synchronization workflow.
Section, “CompleteTranslationAction” describes an action that finishes a manual translation process.
Section, “RollbackTranslationAction” describes an action that rolls back a translation process, possibly deleting spurious content.