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Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2304

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7.4 Database Users

The following table shows the database users that are required for CoreMedia components. For MySQL and Microsoft SQL server are scripts in the workspace, that create these users.

ComponentUser nameDescription

Content Management Server


This database user will manage the content of the Content Management Server. This database will require most of the space, since content is versioned.

Master Live Server


This database user will manage the content of the Master Live Server. Up to two versions of each published content will be stored.

Replication Live Server


This database user will manage the content of the Replication Live Server. Up to two version of each published content will be stored.

CAE Feeder for preview


This database user will persist data for the CAE Feeder working in the management environment. Content is not versioned.

CAE Feeder for live site


This database user will persist data for the delivery environment. Content is not versioned.

Studio Server for editorial comments feature


This database user will persist data for the editorial comments feature.

Table 7.20.  Database Users

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