Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2304
Table Of ContentsTo list the services that will be started execute the following command:
docker compose config --services
The result should look similar to this, depending on the value of COMPOSE_FILE
mysql mongodb solr content-management-server master-live-server replication-live-server workflow-server content-feeder cae-feeder-preview cae-feeder-live user-changes elastic-worker studio-server studio-client cae-preview cae-live site-manager headless-server-preview headless-server-live traefik
Now you can start the services by running the following command:
docker compose up -d --build
The flag --build
forces docker compose
to build the images, which are not included into the Maven build and which
are only required in the development setup, such as overview
, traefik
and the commerce proxies.
You can omit this flag on subsequent builds, if there aren’t any changes to these images.
The result should look like the following output.
Creating elastic-worker ... done Creating traefik ... done Creating mongodb ... done Creating management-tools ... done Creating master-live-server ... done Creating headless-server-preview ... done Creating studio-client ... done Creating cae-live ... done Creating cae-preview ... done Creating replication-live-server ... done Creating cae-feeder-live ... done Creating solr ... done Creating overview ... done Creating content-management-server ... done Creating mysql ... done Creating studio-server ... done Creating workflow-server ... done Creating headless-server-live ... done Creating content-feeder ... done Creating site-manager ... done Creating user-changes ... done Creating cae-feeder-preview ... done