Studio Developer Manual / Version 2406.1
Table Of ContentsDifferent aspects of CoreMedia Studio can be configured with different properties. All configuration properties are bundled in the Deployment Manual (Chapter 3, CoreMedia Properties Overview in Deployment Manual). The following links contain the properties that are relevant for Studio:
Section 3.4.1, “Studio Configuration” in Deployment Manual contains properties for the general configuration of Studio.
Section 3.4.2, “Available Locales Configuration” in Deployment Manual contains properties for the available locales in Studio.
Section 3.4.3, “Content Configuration” in Deployment Manual contains properties for the content repository paths with special meaning in Studio.
Section 3.4.4, “Navigation Validator Configuration” in Deployment Manual contains properties for validating the navigation structure in Studio.
Section 3.4.5, “Preview URL Service Properties” in Deployment Manual contains properties for the Multi Preview Menu in Studio.
Section 3.4.6, “Content Security Policy Configuration” in Deployment Manual contains properties for the configuration of the Content Security Policy (CSP) in Studio.
Section 3.4.7, “Content Hub Configuration” in Deployment Manual contains properties for the configuration of for the CoreMedia Content Hub.
Section 3.4.8, “Feedback Hub Configuration” in Deployment Manual contains properties for the configuration of for the CoreMedia Feedback Hub.
Section 3.4.9, “Editorial Comments Configuration” in Deployment Manual contains properties for the configuration of for the CoreMedia Editorial Comments feature, which establishes a connection to the relational database.