Creating 360° Videos - CMCC 10

Last updated a month ago

A 360°-View is a sequence of pictures featuring a product from different perspectives. With CoreMedia Studio, you can easily create and edit 360°-Views.

This guide applies to CMCC 10

This how-to guide has yet to be updated for the most recent product release. Some of the elements in this guide might not work as described, if you are on the latest version.

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LightbulbWhat you'll learn

  • Learn about the 360°-View-Feature and how to use it.

Person reading a bookPrerequisites

  • CoreMedia Studio Basic Knowledge

WristwatchTime matters

Reading time: 2 - 3 minutes

Person in front of a laptopShould I read this?

This guide is for Editors.
CoreMedia Commerce feature

On a website, the 360°-View enables a user to rotate through the pictures by using touch controls.

Create a 360°-View content item by clicking the image button in the library. Edit the properties of the item in the form. Note that a valid 360°-View must have more than two pictures. Link the 360°-View to a product, so that it will be shown on a product detail page (see Adding Specific Content for Product Detail Pages (PDP).

Studio ThreeSixtyView FormPreview Shot
Figure 1. Images of a dress with a slight counterclockwise rotation
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