CoreMedia Upgrade Guides

Last updated 2 months ago

Learn where to find upgrade guides to different CoreMedia versions.

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  • Find upgrade guides

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  • Access to CoreMedia documentation

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This guide is for Developers.

CoreMedia provides upgrade guides for different versions of CoreMedia Content Cloud. These guides help you to upgrade your CoreMedia system to a newer version.

  • Upgrade to CMCC 10 - For the upgrade from CoreMedia CMS 9 to CoreMedia Content Cloud 10 there is no explicit upgrade guide. Use the release notes.

  • Upgrade Guide to CMCC 11 - This guide describes the upgrade from the latest CMCC 10 version to CMCC 11 v.2110.

  • Upgrade Guide to CMCC 12 - This guide describes the upgrade from the latest CMCC 11 version to CMCC 12 v.2404.

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