

Release Notes / Version 11.2210
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Refactored Scalar FilterQueryArg to input type CustomFilterQuery

The former scalar FilterQueryArg , which was used to define the custom filter queries in a search query, was refactored to a GraphQL input type of the same name. In contrast to complex scalars, input types offer full support of auto completion and documentation while formulating a GraphQL query.

The refactoring to the GraphQL input type is non-breaking , so that client applications don't have to change their code.

This change took advantage of CMS-20327 in the manner, that a Spring GenericConverter was used to convert the FilterQueryArg into the same semantics as the previous GraphQL Scalar. It was however necessary, to change the Java interface PagingAware slightly and in turn also the QueryListAdapter , which implements that interface. That's why this change is considered breaking . In the case, that the QueryListAdapter was adapted or the interface PagingAware was used, the code has to be slightly changed.


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