

Release Notes / Version 11.2210
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The management-tools Container can now be Configured to Redirect the Tools Output

The management-tools container can now be configured to redirect the tools output either to a logfile per tool or to stdout. This can be configured using the OUTPUT_REDIRECT environment variable set to:

console (default) log - output will be written to /coremedia/tools/var/log/<TOOL>.out null - output will be suppressed


Third-Party Update: Apache Tika and Transitive Dependencies

Apache Tika has been updated to version 2.3.0. As part of this change, the following transitive dependencies of Apache Tika have been updated to match versions used by Tika. This includes an update of Apache POI to fix security issue CVE-2022-2633.

Updated dependencies:

  • Apache Commons IO 2.11.0

  • Apache Log4J API and SLF4J Adapter 2.17.2

  • Apache PDFBox 2.0.25

  • Apache POI 5.2.2

  • Apache Tika 2.3.0

  • Apache XMLBeans 5.0.3

  • BouncyCastle 1.70

  • Curves API 1.07

  • Glassfish JAXB 2.3.6

  • Rome 1.18.0

  • SLF4J 1.7.36

If you use these libraries in project code, please check their respective release notes for changes and upgrade information. No changes were necessary in the CoreMedia Blueprint for these updates.


Content Server Actuator Endpoint to Suspend Blob Collector

The Content Server has a new Spring Boot actuator endpoint "blobcollector" that can be used to suspend (and resume) deletion of unused blobs at runtime.

Suspending blob deletion is a required step when making backups of non-transactional blobs stores like a file blob store. Previously, this required a change to configuration property and a server restart. With the new actuator endpoint, no restart is required anymore. See section "Basics of Operation | Actuator Endpoints | Content Server Blob Collector Endpoint" in the Operations Basics Manual for details.


Content-Feeder Health can be Monitored

The content-feeder is now added as an endpoint for health-check and can be monitored. It returns the state of the feeder.


Workflow Metrics

Metrics for the number of open workflows are now available at the Spring Boot Actuator Metrics Endpoint. For details, see the Operations Basics Manual, section "Basics of Operation | Actuator Endpoints | Metrics Endpoint | Workflow Server Metrics".


Automated Workflow Conversion

As an alternative to the workflowconverter tool (s. see section "Workflowconverter" in Workflow Manual), the conversion can now be done automatically by the workflow server. You can activate the automatic conversion by setting the application property workflow.server.enable-workflow-converter to true .


New Hints for Contents "In Localization"

The Studio UI has been extended by hints in document forms (nagbars) when contents are part of an active localization process.

Similar to "Locked by Workflow" for publication processes, editors will get a hint "In Localization".

Possibly implications, i.e., what editors facing this hint should be aware of, is described in Multi-Site Manual "Multi-Site Challenges" in section "Concurrent Editing Feature".


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