

Release Notes / Version 11.2210
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Third-Party Update: AWS SDK

In order to benefit from fixes for known bugs and security issues, the Amazon AWS SDK has been updated to version 2.17.169. There are no known issues or incompatibilities concerning CMCC.


Maven Dependency Management For Plugins

The versions of Java third-party libraries Micrometer, Jakarta Validation API, and Hibernate Validator are now managed in the common-thirdparty-for-plugins-bom Maven artifact. Application plugins do not need to manage versions of these libraries themselves anymore, if they use these libraries with scope "provided" and import the above BOM Maven artifact.


Sort Order of Catalog now Persistent in Thumbnail View

When the commerce catalog in the library is sorted by any of the columns in the list view, switching to the thumbnail view preserves the applied order.


Faceted Search for Headless

HeadlessServer now comes with a new GraphQL query for a faceted search. See the headless manual for details.


Removed Artifact 'com.coremedia.cms:coremedia-service'.

Removed the internal artifact 'com.coremedia.cms:coremedia-service'.

Versions of servlet container and java dependencies are now listed by the 'info' actuator if one of the 'dev' or 'local' spring profiles is active.


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