

Release Notes / Version 11.2210
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Added User Consent Dialog

If Studio has a data tracking plugin installed, a user consent dialog is shown now. The dialog is only shown once. Accepting the user consent will enable the data tracking (if a provider is installed). This data tracking will anonymously track the click behavior of the user and sends these data to an external data provider. The user can revoke the user consent anytime in the User Preferences dialog which automatically disables the tracking.


Third-Party Update : Maven Surefire

Maven Surefire has been updated to 3.0.0-M7.


Deprecation: com.coremedia.workflow.common.actions.Log#setFatal

In the Java API, the method #setFatal(boolean) of workflow action com.coremedia.workflow.common.actions.Log has been deprecated. It's recommended to use #setError(boolean) instead, which has the same effect.

The method may also be used in a workflow definition with <Action class="Log" fatal="true" ...> . It's recommended to use attribute error="true" instead of fatal="true" in such as case.


CoreMedia Cache Actuator Endpoint

Added a new Spring Boot actuator endpoint for the CoreMedia cache with information about the configuration and usage of the cache, and the possibility to change cache capacities, clear the cache, or trigger a cache eviction at runtime. For more information, see the Operation Basics Manual , section "Basics of Operation | Actuator Endpoints | Cache Endpoint".


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