

Release Notes / Version 11.2210
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Configuration of cspHeader frameSrc

Now it is possible to configure a previewUrlWhitelist or previewUri and additional custom frameSrc values.


Content Hub Adapter YouTube Update

The bundled plugin Content Hub Adapter Youtube has been updated to version 2.0.3. For details see the change log of the plugin at . This includes updates of transitive dependencies used by the plugin, for example library google-oauth-client was updated to avoid security vulnerability CVE-2021-22573 that was reported for the previous version.


Fixed Update of Start Translation Workflow Issues

Fixed a bug in the start translation workflow window, which showed errors for dependent content items, even after all links to the problematic content items have been removed.


Preview Urls allows Anchors now

Previously anchors in preview urls where swallowed. Now they are passed to the linkschemes.


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