Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2412.0
Table Of ContentsCoreMedia Content Cloud enhances CoreMedia CMS with additional functionality that is described in the following sections:
Section 6.1, “Studio Enhancements” describes extensions to CoreMedia Studio as the unified editing platform. The editorial usage of the features is described in the Studio User Manual.
Section 6.2, “CAE Enhancements” describes extensions to the Content Application Engine the delivery module of CoreMedia Content Cloud.
Section 6.3, “Elastic Social” describes extensions to CoreMedia Elastic Social that are integrated in CoreMedia Content Cloud. The standard functionality of Elastic Social is described in the Elastic Social Manual.
Section 6.4, “Adaptive Personalization” describes extensions to CoreMedia Adaptive Personalization that are integrated in CoreMedia Content Cloud. The standard functionality of Adaptive Personalization is described in the Personalization Hub Manual.
Section 6.5, “Third-Party Integration” describes the integration of third-party components, such as Open Street Map, into CoreMedia Content Cloud.
These modules are integrated into CoreMedia Content Cloud and the example websites and add extended functionality to their default features.