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Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2412.0

Table Of Contents Running Personal Data Checker

To run the Personal Data Checker in Blueprint you need to enable the Maven profile checkPersonalData while compiling. This profile is defined in module blueprint-parent.



As of version 2.5.3 the Checker Framework has the following limitation:

The checker for personal data will analyze all modules with a direct or transitive dependency to Maven module coremedia-personal-data. In your Maven output you will recognize the messageChecking @PersonalDataonce such a module is found in your Maven build.

By default, the Checker Framework will trigger a failure once it detects a violation in using personal data objects. To change the behavior to print only warnings instead, add the compiler argument -Awarns. Configure the maven-compiler-plugin for the checkPersonalData profile in blueprint-parent module accordingly. For more configuration options have a look at the documentation at

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