Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2412.0
Table Of ContentsThis manual contains the basic knowledge you should have when you want to develop with CoreMedia Content Cloud. It describes the basic features and concepts of the development workspace, of the Commerce integration and of the Corporate Blueprint features.
Chapter 2, Overview of CoreMedia Content Cloud gives you an overview over the modules, functions and architecture of CoreMedia Content Cloud.
Chapter 3, Getting Started shows you step by step how to install and start the components using the Blueprint workspace.
Chapter 4, Blueprint Workspace for Developers explains in depth the concepts and patterns of the Blueprint workspace. You will learn how to release and deploy the system and how to develop in the workspace.
Chapter 5, CoreMedia Blueprint - Functionality for Websites explains the content types, the web functionality, details about localized content management and workflow management of CoreMedia Content Cloud.
Chapter 6, Editorial and Backend Functionality describes the extensions of CoreMedia Blueprint to the standard system.
Chapter 7, Reference contains reference information, such as the tag library, ports, the content type model or Maven profiles.