

Release Notes / Version 11.2201
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Removal: Deprecated Version of XliffExporter

The deprecated interface com.coremedia.translate.xliff.exporter.XliffExporter (cap-xliff) and its related interfaces and classes have been removed.

Follow Section, “Removal: Deprecated Version of XliffExporter” for upgrade information.


Removal: Deprecated two-argument constructor of DefaultContentToTranslateItemTransformer

The deprecated two-argument constructor of com.coremedia.translate.item.DefaultContentToTranslateItemTransformer (cap-translate-item) has been removed:

Follow Section, “Removal: Deprecated two-argument constructor of DefaultContentToTranslateItemTransformer” for upgrade information.


Removal: Deprecated Interface Method ContentObjectSiteAspect.getIgnoreUpdates

The deprecated interface method ContentObjectSiteAspect.getIgnoreUpdates() has been removed.

Follow Section, “Removal: Deprecated Interface Method ContentObjectSiteAspect.getIgnoreUpdates” for upgrade information.


Third-Party Update: Apache Tika and Transitive Dependencies

Apache Tika has been updated to new major version 2.1.0.

Follow Section, “Third-Party Update: Apache Tika and Transitive Dependencies ” for upgrade information.


Removal: Deprecated BaseCommandLineClient#addOptionValidated Method

The deprecated method com.coremedia.cmdline.BaseCommandLineClient#addOptionValidated has been removed from the Java API. If you still use it in your project code, switch to options.addOption(option) , options and option referring to the arguments of addOptionValidated .


Removal: Deprecated Site#getManagerGroupName Method

The deprecated method com.coremedia.cap.multisite.Site#getManagerGroupName has been deleted. If you still use it in your project code, replace it with getManagerGroupNames().stream().findFirst().orElse("") -- mind, though, that it is better respecting all group names returned by getManagerGroupNames() .


Removal: Deprecated Options of Some Commandline Tools

The command line tools publish , destroy and query do not support the option paths any longer. Use path instead (also CSV capable, despite the singular name). paths has already been undocumented for a while, so you might not even be aware that it existed.


Removal: Deprecated AbstractVersionSelector#addOption Method

The deprecated method has been removed from the Java API. If you still use it in your project code, switch to options.addOption(option), options and option referring to the arguments of addOption .


Removal: Deprecated CommandLineParameters#addOptionValidated Method

The deprecated method com.coremedia.cmdline.CommandLineParameters#addOptionValidated has been removed from the Java API. If you still use it in your project code, switch to options.addOption(option) , options and option referring to the first two arguments of addOptionValidated .


Removal: Deprecated AbstractUAPIClient#enableOutVerbose Method

The deprecated method com.coremedia.cmdline.AbstractUAPIClient#enableOutVerbose has been deleted from the Java API. If you are still using it in your project code, switch to com.coremedia.cmdline.BaseCommandLineClient#enableVerboseLogging .


Removal: Deprecated MarkupUtil#isEmptyMarkup Method

com.coremedia.xml.MarkupUtil#isEmptyMarkup has been deleted. Use #isEmptyRichtext (for CoreMedia Richtext only) or #hasText (for markup of arbitrary grammars) instead.


New Feature: Workflow Final Actions and Archiving of Aborted Workflows

Workflows can now declare custom final actions, which are executed after a workflow process has completed successfully or was aborted. To this end, a workflow definition can contain <FinalAction> elements with custom classes that implement the interface com.coremedia.cap.workflow.plugin.FinalAction .

Follow Section, “New Feature: Workflow Final Actions and Archiving of Aborted Workflows” for upgrade information.


MongoDB Update to version 5.0.2

MongoDB has been updated to version 5.0.2 for the Docker Deployment. Note that an upgrade is only possible from a 4.4.4 version. An upgrade from an earlier version needs to be done successively. Please refer to the official MongoDB documentation on how to upgrade:


MediaStore Changes


Follow Section, “MediaStore Changes” for upgrade information.


Issue Search Filter Enabled By Default and Solr Schema Changes

The Solr index schema for Content Feeder and CAE Feeder , and the configuration of the Content Feeder was changed to enable the search filter for validation issues by default, and to also support Solr nested documents in the CAE Feeder .

Follow Section, “Issue Search Filter Enabled By Default and Solr Schema Changes” for upgrade information.


Solr Base Image added

A new base image has been added for the Solr search engine. The image can be found on DockerHub at coremedia/solr-base . The image adds the scripting layer to setup a leader / follower setup in the standalone Solr mode.

Follow Section, “Solr Base Image added” for upgrade information.


Changed Solr Terminology: Leader/Follower replaces Master/Slave

Apache Solr has replaced the names of their replication setup from Master/Slave to Leader/Follower. These names have now been changed in Solr configuration files ( solrconfig.xml ) and CoreMedia documentation. For details of the change in Solr, see .

Follow Section, “Changed Solr Terminology: Leader/Follower replaces Master/Slave” for upgrade information.


Third-Party Update: Apache Solr 8.8.2

Apache Solr has been updated to version 8.8.2, which fixes some security vulnerabilities of the previous version.

Follow Section, “Third-Party Update: Apache Solr 8.8.2” for upgrade information.


Content Server and Workflow Server do not use corem.home anymore

The corem.home directory and system property are no longer used by the Content Server and Workflow Server.

Follow Section, “Content Server and Workflow Server do not use corem.home anymore” for upgrade information.


Commerce Validator Issue Feeding

Commerce related validator issues defined in LcStudioValidatorsConfiguration are now also feeded into the Solr index "studio" by default. Therefore the Content Feeder now also uses Commerce Hub connections to configured Commerce Adapters . The legacy (and deprecated) LiveContext Blueprint extension for IBM/HCL B2B is not supported.

Follow Section, “Commerce Validator Issue Feeding” for upgrade information.


Removal: Deprecated Search and Feeder Configuration Properties

Several deprecated configuration properties have been removed for the Content Feeder , the CAE Feeder and for applications that connect to Solr for searching.

Follow Section, “Removal: Deprecated Search and Feeder Configuration Properties” for upgrade information.


Improved CAE Feeder Database Usage

The CAE Feeder was improved to store data more efficiently in the database, which reduces database disk space requirements and improves throughput. To this end, the data type of some database columns was changed from a string type to a binary type. This change also applies to custom applications based on the Proactive Engine .

Follow Section, “Improved CAE Feeder Database Usage” for upgrade information.


Removal: Deprecated Watchdog and Probedog infrastructure

The Watchdog and Probedog components have been removed. To implement the same functionality you can use Spring Boot actuators together with an orchestration solution. In addition to the standard actuators of Spring Boot, CoreMedia adds a set of custom endpoints to represent the health state of the applications. You find the documentation in the operations basics handbook.

Follow Section, “Removal: Deprecated Watchdog and Probedog infrastructure” for upgrade information.


Improved Translation Workflow Auto-Merge

The "Auto-Merge" feature used in translation workflows to copy property values from master to derived content items has been improved. In previous releases, it completely ignored translatable properties and never changed such properties in the derived content. This has been changed because it could lead to unexpected results, especially for properties nested in structs. Furthermore, the merge algorithm was improved for link annotations.

Follow Section, “Improved Translation Workflow Auto-Merge” for upgrade information.


Secure Blob Access

Blob access by clients is protected against URL guessing now. If you want to use components from earlier CMCC releases with new content servers, you must set the application property cap.server.blob-md5-permission-check to false for the new content servers.


blueprint-doctypes-xmlrepo.xml: Available in Blueprint Sources

The blueprint-doctypes-xmlrepo.xml located in so-called Blueprint-Base, unavailable to most customers, now has a copy in the Blueprint module test-util .

Follow Section, “blueprint-doctypes-xmlrepo.xml: Available in Blueprint Sources” for upgrade information.


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