

Release Notes / Version 11.2201
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Third-Party Update: Apache Solr

Apache Solr has been updated to version 8.11.2.

For detailed changes of Apache Solr have a look at and .

For CMCC 11, a new coremedia/solr-base Docker image was released with tag 8.11.2, which is used in the Blueprint in apps/solr/blueprint/solr-image/pom.xml .


Content Server Actuator Endpoint to Suspend Blob Collector

The Content Server has a new Spring Boot actuator endpoint "blobcollector" that can be used to suspend (and resume) deletion of unused blobs at runtime.

Suspending blob deletion is a required step when making backups of non-transactional blobs stores like a file blob store. Previously, this required a change to configuration property and a server restart. With the new actuator endpoint, no restart is required anymore. See section "Basics of Operation | Actuator Endpoints | Content Server Blob Collector Endpoint" in the Operations Basics Manual for details.


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