

Release Notes / Version 11.2201
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Removal: Deprecated Properties

Properties that were deprecated have now been removed

  • commerce.hub.cache.capacities.\* and livecontext.ecommerce.cache.\* use cache.capacities.ecommerce.\* instead

  • commerce.hub.cache.timeout-seconds.\* and livecontext.ecommerce.cache.\* use cache.timeout-seconds.ecommerce.\* instead.


Commerce Hub Invalidation Events Added

CMS applications with commerce client integration can now receive cache invalidation events. With this, commerce items are invalidated in the cache of the client applications if the commerce adapter sends an invalidation event, which may be triggered automatically due to change detection (if applicable) or manually using the commerce adapter's invalidate actuator endpoint. This feature only works when the client applications are connected to supporting (new) commerce adapter versions. Please see the release notes of the commerce adapters for further information.


Added Configurable Custom Attributes to Commerce Hub Commerce Beans

Commerce Hub Commerce Beans now expose custom attributes if they are added to the entities on the commerce adapter side. This is currently only supported by the Salesforce Commerce Cloud adapter. JSON attributes can be obtained from the commerce bean via ClientCommerceBean#getCustomAttributes() as nested map, or via ClientCommerceBean#getCustomAttributes(Class<T>) and ClientCommerceBean#getCustomAttribute(String, Class<T>) as an object. Deserialization is performed internally using an com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper if the commerce adapter configures metadata.custom-attributes-format=JSON .


Catalog Alias Mapping Accepts Catalog ID

In a multi-catalog scenario the catalogs to be displayed are configured in LiveContext settings. All references to catalog items (products, categories) are using an alias name of the catalog. The alias mapping to concrete catalog names are also configured via LiveContext settings. Alternatively to the catalog name also the external catalog id can be used. In some environments this is a better approach because the name is localized and can change more frequently.


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