Release Notes / Version 11.2201
Table Of ContentsA new base image has been added for the Solr search engine. The image can be found on DockerHub at coremedia/solr-base . The image adds the scripting layer to setup a leader / follower setup in the standalone Solr mode.
The image also incorporates the change from the old master / slave terminology to the new leader / follower.
For the start the old environment variables will work as usually but they are deprecated and should be replaced with their new pendants.
The image also uses the default Solr image as its base as it is recommended by Solr.
The source repository for this image can be found at GitHub in our
organisation in the
and access is granted on request to our support.
- Issue Search Filter Enabled By Default and Solr Schema Changes
- Changed Solr Terminology: Leader/Follower replaces Master/Slave