

Release Notes / Version 11.2201
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New method TransformImageService#getTransformationString

com.coremedia.cap.transform.TransformImageService has been extended by a new method: getTransformationString(...) The method was introduced to enable future use cases of this class. You can use it to compute the transformation string for a given content, property, variant name, breakpoint width and height, and extension. If you have implemented this interface in a custom class, please make sure to implement this method as well. It is not used by default in the Blueprint, so you can theoretically leave the implementation empty.


The preview CAE now runs with standalone mode disabled

The property delivery.standalone is now disabled by default in the preview CAE. As a result the preview CAE uses the same URLs as the live CAE and the default proxy configuration no longer requires /blueprint/servlet to be accessible when running behind a web proxy.


Static Files of External Preview moved to /static folder

In order to simplify proxy rules to split requests to static files and dynamic servlets, the static files of the external preview have been moved to a static folder and are now served at


Freemarker function bp.truncateText always returns un-encoded text

The Freemarker function bp.truncateText() lead to double encoded text, when used with markup, because the markup is first encoded by the function and secondly by Freemarker itself. Now, the encoding is left to do by Freemarker and the function returns un-encoded text for markup input as well as for strings. An implemented workaround with " ?no_esc " is no longer needed and should be removed.


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