

Release Notes / Version 11.2201
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Redesign of Jobs, Toasts and Notifications

The running jobs window has been redesigned and aligned with the new Studio design.

Follow Section, “Redesign of Jobs, Toasts and Notifications” for upgrade information.


Added Search Filters for Library Extension

The Studio library does support search filters for extensions now. As a result, search filters can now be added for commerce integration. The existing search filters work as before and saved searches aren't affected by this change.

Follow Section, “Added Search Filters for Library Extension” for upgrade information.



You can declare validators not only as Spring beans, but alternatively also by JSON configuration files now. This is supported for most core validator classes, except of those which make only sense as singletons and which are provided by default, like the AvailableLocalesValidator . Most Blueprint validator classes can easily be enabled for Json configuration in the project, if needed.

Follow Section, “Validators” for upgrade information.


CatalogAlias configuration for single catalog setups

Configured catalogAlias below commerce#catalogConfig#catalogAlias is used to store commerce ids from now on.

Follow Section, “CatalogAlias configuration for single catalog setups” for upgrade information.


Use stable IDs in CAE Fragment Requests, if Possible

So far the id parameter of commerce fragment requests from the CoreMedia fragment connector to the CAE were treated as external technical IDs, whereas all other communication uses stable external IDs for commerce entities. This leads to unnecessary cache misses, commerce communication and memory consumption in the CAE and commerce adapter caches.

Follow Section, “Use stable IDs in CAE Fragment Requests, if Possible” for upgrade information.


Optimized Taxonomy Performance

The performance of the DefaultTaxonomy has been improved. This has been achieved through better UAPI caching. In addition, the property maxDocumentsPerFolder can be set now. This property will trigger the creation of new taxonomy documents created by the Taxonomy Manager in a new sub-folder named with a UUID once the default folder has reached the configured amount of documents. New sub-folders are created this way every time when the last used one has reached its limit.

Follow Section, “Optimized Taxonomy Performance” for upgrade information.


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