

Release Notes / Version 11.2201
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Third-Party Update: log4j-to-slf4j

The Log4J library log4j-to-slf4j has been updated to version 2.17.1.

Note that recent security vulnerabilities for Log4J like CVE-2021-44228 ("Log4Shell"), CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105, and CVE-2021-44832 do not affect the usage of the Log4J adapter library log4j-to-slf4j that is used in CMCC to forward logging via SLF4J to Logback.


Enhancement in logging for UAPI

A display in the log is added whenever there is an attempt to connect workflow server stating "Trying to connect to workflow server." In theme importer , connection to workflow server is removed. If the customer wants to establish the connection to workflow server, they can just change the _repository.workflow.connect _ to true in application properties of theme-importer.


Cache Metrics for Spring Boot Actuator Metrics Endpoint

Metrics for com.coremedia.cache.Cache usage are now available at the Spring Boot Actuator Metrics Endpoint. They are also still available via JMX as before. For details, see the Operations Basics Manual , section "Basics of Operation | Actuator Endpoints | Metrics Endpoint".


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