

Studio Developer Manual / Version 2304
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CoreMedia offers some predefined validators for common usecases and an API to implement your own, based on project-specific content validation requirements. The table below gives an overview of predefined validators. For details and more validators, see the Shared / Middle API documentation (available at the CoreMedia download area), especially the packages and

DayOfWeekValidator checks that a date property contains only dates on certain days of the week
EmailValidator checks for a valid email address according to RFC822
ImageMapAreasValidator checks for non-empty image and correctly linked areas in an image map. See also Section 9.5.4, “Enabling Image Map Editing”
ListMaxLengthValidator and ListMinLengthValidator checks for maximum/minimum number of content items linked in a linklist
MaxIntegerValidator and MinIntegerValidator checks for a maximum/minimum integer value
MaxLengthValidator and MinLengthValidator checks for a maximum/minimum length of a String
NotEmptyValidator checks whether a field is empty; works on strings, linklists, and blobs
RegExpValidator checks whether a given (configurable) regular expression matches against the value given in the property
UniqueListEntriesValidator checks against duplicate links in a linklist (that is, the same content item is linked at least twice in the same linklist)
UriValidator and UrlValidator checks for valid URIs or URLs, respectively

Table 9.6. Selected predefined validators

The easiest way to declare a validator is to provide it as Spring Bean. For example, an ImageMapAreasValidator is declared like this:

  name = "",
  matchIfMissing = true)
ImageMapAreasValidator cmImageMapAreasValidator(CapConnection cc) {
  ContentType type = cc.getContentRepository().getContentType("CMImageMap");
  return new ImageMapAreasValidator(type, true, "localSettings", "");

Example 9.81. Declaring a validator as Spring bean

The @ConditionalOnProperty annotation allows you to disable this validator by the setting the application property If you do not need this, you can omit it. By convention, such validator enabling properties start with the prefix validator.enabled, the third segment is the lowercase/hyphen variant of the validator class, and the last segment is a short description.

The ImageMapAreasValidator validates a content as a whole. However, most predefined validators are only property validators, which validate a single property value of a content. Property validators must be wrapped into a ContentTypeValidator. For example, a NotEmptyValidator, which ensures that the title property of a CMArticle content is not empty, is declared like this:

  name = "validator.enabled.content-type-validator.article-validation",
  matchIfMissing = true)
ContentTypeValidator articleValidator(CapConnection cc) {
  ContentType type = cc.getContentRepository().getContentType("CMArticle")
  return new ContentTypeValidator(
          true,  // validate also subtypes of CMArticle
          List.of(new NotEmptyValidator("title")));

Example 9.82. Declaring a property validator as Spring bean

Here, the content type validator is configured to apply to all subtypes of the given content type, too.

To provide multiple validators for a content type, you can declare multiple ContentTypeValidator beans or, more commonly, multiple property validators in a single content type validator. Note that you can only disable the whole content type validator. This may affect your decision how to arrange property validators in content type validators.

For all property validators that inherit from AbstractPropertyValidator (esp. all predefined property validators), you can set the field code to an issue code of your choice. If you choose not to do so, the class name of the validator implementation will be used as the issue code. For example, the validator creates issues with code RegExpValidator by default.

Alternatively, you can provide validator declarations as Json configuration files. The equivalent Json configuration for the above validators looks like this:

  "image-map-areas-validator": {
    "cm-image-map-areas": {
      "content-type": "CMImageMap",
      "subtypes": true,
      "struct-property": "localSettings",
      "image-property-path": ""
  "content-type-validator": {
    "article-validation": {
      "content-type": "CMArticle",
      "subtypes": true,
      "property-validators": [
          "not-empty-validator": {
            "property": "title"

Example 9.83. Json declaration of validators

The keys of the outer map, image-map-areas-validator and content-type-validator, denote validator factories. You find the factory ID in the API documentation of each validator. By convention, it is the lowercase/hyphen variant of the validator class (just like the third segment of the enabling properties).

The second level keys, cm-image-map-areas and article-validation, are validator IDs. You might encounter them in log messages, so you should use reasonable IDs that you can easily recognize. The validator maps contain the configuration data for the particular validator instance. The attributes content-type and subtypes are common for most validators. The other attributes depend on the particular validator class. Usually, it is the lowercase/hyphen variants of the fields that can be set by constructor arguments or setter methods of the validator.

The property-validators attribute of a content-type-validator is a list of maps, each of which denotes a property validator. Each map has exactly one entry, whose key (not-empty-validator in the example) is the factory ID of the property validator. The value is a configuration map for the property validator instance, which usually consists of the property to validate, the optional code field, and possibly additional fields like ranges or sizes to validate against.

Just like Spring bean validators, you can disable Json-declared validators by setting the application property validator.enabled.<factoryID>.<validatorID> to false.

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