

Studio Developer Manual / Version 2304
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The user management of the CoreMedia Studio comes with the additional properties displayName and email available for every user. In order to load the default values for these fields from an existing user provider, the corresponding Spring properties have to be configured.

If no user provider is connected to the Content Server, the fields displayName and email have to be inputted manually. These custom inputs will override the defaults that are read from the user provider.

The following table describes the available Spring properties that can be configured to map user provider user properties to a Studio user.

Spring Property Name Maps to User Property Description displayName The display name of the user. If set, this name will be used inside Studio instead of the regular login name. email The email address of the user.   A comma separated list of values that should be read from the UAPI user object and stored as user properties for the Studio Client API. Note that these properties will be visible for all other users that have a Studio login. This field can be used to show additional user information in Studio.

Table 9.25.  User Provider Property Mapping



The values for this field are stored in an EditorProfile content inside the users Home folder. Since this content contains personalized data, CoreMedia strongly recommends prohibiting the write access to these contents to all users that are not administrators. You can do this by setting only read access to the Home folder for the content type EditorProfile or by applying this rule using the User Manager or by adding and importing the following rule in your users.xml file:

<rule content="/Home" type="EditorProfile" rights="R"/>

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