

Studio Developer Manual / Version 2304
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A remote job is executed within the Studio backend and can be triggered and monitored by the Studio client. The client can pass parameters to the job and will receive the progress of the job's execution and the result, once the job is finished.



You should use this framework for any backend calls that need some time to deliver their result, in order to prevent timeouts for your request.

Defining a Remote Job in the Studio Backend

In order to define a remote job you need to implement the interface The implementation has to be defined as a bean within the studio-lib extension.

The method accepts needs to define for which job type the factory will return a Job object. The method createJob has to return an implementation of Within the implementation of your Job class you can perform your execution and return the result within the call method.

If you want to pass parameters from the Studio client to your job implementation, you need to define those parameters as local variables and define setters for them. Together with that setter, you need to annotate the variables with @JsonProperty("variableName") with a variable name that matches the parameter key, passed to the job from the Studio client. You may also leave the @JsonProperty annotation, if your setters are named correctly: variableName => setVariableName

If you want to send the progress of your job to the Studio client, you need to call the method notifyProgress of the JobContext Object with a value between 0 and 1. You get the JobContext instance within the call method of your Job object.

A job can be aborted by the client. You can use the result of the method isAbortRequested of the JobContext object as a break condition within your execution in order to react to the abortion of your job.

Defining a RemoteJob in Studio Client

If you want to execute your remote job, you need to create a job in the Studio client that extends the class RemoteJobBase. Your extension has to override the method getJobType and return the value that has to match the jobType within the accepts method in your JobFactory in the Studio backend.

In addition, you can override the method getParams. The object you return in this method will be passed as parameters in your job implementation in the Studio backend. Note that the keys in your parameters object have to match the value that you defined within your backend job via the annotation @JsonProperty("variableName").

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