

Studio Developer Manual / Version 2304
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A GaugeFeedbackItem renders a colored percentage gauge graph with additional labels and links. They are created trough method GaugeFeedbackItem.builder.

Example of a GaugeFeedbackItem

Figure 9.18. Example of a GaugeFeedbackItem

Property Type Default Value Description
collection String null The sub tab the panel should be rendered too.
title String null The title of the panel.
help String null Help text that, if set, will be rendered as a help icon next to the title.
value float 0 The value of the score.
decimalPlaces int 0 The number of decimal places for the value.
targetValue float 0 The target percentage to achieve. If set, a target indicator will be rendered on the gauge.
gaugeTitle String null The title that is shown below the gauge.
url String null If set, a link button will be rendered below the gauge.
linkText String null The text used for the gauge link button.
age long 0 The last time the data of this gauge was fetched, milliseconds from 1970.
color String null If set, the whole bar will be rendered with this color. The reverseColors attribute is ignored in this case.
reverseColors boolean false If true, the color of the bar be reversed (green to red).

Table 9.16.  FeedbackItem GaugeFeedbackItem

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