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CoreMedia Content Server Manual

Copyright CoreMedia AG © 2015

CoreMedia AG

Ludwig-Erhard-Straße 18

20459 Hamburg


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07.Mar 2017

1. Introduction
1.1. Audience
1.2. Typographic Conventions
1.3. CoreMedia Services
1.3.1. Registration
1.3.2. CoreMedia Releases
1.3.3. Documentation
1.3.4. CoreMedia Training
1.3.5. CoreMedia Support
1.4. Change Chapter
2. Overview
2.1. The Content Server
2.2. Replication Live Servers
2.2.1. State Diagram
2.2.2. Extent of Replication
2.2.3. Inconsistencies during Replication
2.2.4. Fault Tolerance of the Content Delivery Environment
2.3. Multi-Site Publishing
2.4. Server Run Levels
2.5. Changelog
3. Configuration and Operation
3.1. Structure of Content Server Installation
3.2. Deploying the Content Server
3.3. Configuring the Database
3.3.1. Specifying Tablespaces for the Content Server
3.3.2. Oracle Database
3.3.3. IBM DB2 Database
3.3.4. Microsoft SQL Server
3.3.5. PostgreSQL Database
3.3.6. MySQL Database
3.4. Configuring Blob Storage
3.5. Exclusive Locks
3.6. Configuring CORBA
3.7. Extending the Content Server
3.8. Starting the Server
3.9. Recovery of Content Server Databases
3.9.1. Backup Strategy
3.9.2. Recovery of a Content Management Server Database
3.9.3. Recovery of a Master Live Server Database
3.10. Administrating Replication Live Servers
3.10.1. Installing the First Replication Live Server
3.10.2. Installing further Replication Live Servers
3.10.3. Replication Live Servers Backups
3.10.4. Restoring from Replication Live Server Backup
3.10.5. Restoring from Master Live Server Backup
3.10.6. Removing a Replication Live Server
3.10.7. Analyzing the Replicator State
3.11. Administrating Multi-Site Publishing
3.11.1. Enabling Multi-Site Publishing
3.11.2. Configuring Multi-Site Publishing
3.11.3. Adding Publication Targets
3.11.4. Migrate to Multi-Site Management Extension
3.12. Truncate the ChangeLog
3.13. LDAP Integration
3.13.1. User Authentication
3.13.2. Configuration of UserProviders
3.13.3. LdapUserProvider
3.13.4. ActiveDirectoryUserProvider
3.13.5. Connecting LDAP Over SSL
3.14. Server Utility Programs
3.14.1. Information
3.14.2. Operation
3.14.3. Repository
3.15. JMX Management
3.16. User Administration
3.16.1. Predefined Users and Groups
3.16.2. User Rights Management
3.16.3. Administrator Groups
3.16.4. Content Server Groups and Users
3.16.5. Live Server Groups and Users
3.16.6. Managing Users
3.17. WebDAV Support
3.17.1. Concepts
3.17.2. Configuration and Operation
3.18. Troubleshooting
4. Developing a Content Type Model
4.1. Properties
4.2. Creating Content Type Definitions
4.2.1. Structure of Content Type Definitions
4.2.2. Inheriting Content Types
4.2.3. Attaching Properties to Existing Content Types
4.3. Schema Migration
4.3.1. The Database Schema
4.3.2. Adding Content Types
4.3.3. Renaming Content Types
4.3.4. Deleting Content Types
4.3.5. Adding Properties
4.3.6. Renaming Properties
4.3.7. Deleting Properties
5. Appendix
5.1. Configuration in contentserver.properties
5.2. Configuration in publisher.properties
5.3. Configuration in sql.properties
5.3.1. Overview of all Properties
5.4. Configuration in replicator.properties
5.5. Configuration in capclient.properties
5.6. Reference of webdav.properties
5.7. Managed Properties

List of Tables

1.1. Typographic conventions
1.2. Pictographs
1.3. CoreMedia manuals
1.4. Log files check list
1.5. Changes
2.1. Master Live Server failure
2.2. Master Live Server deadlock
2.3. Database failure
2.4. Slave Live Server failure
2.5. Database failure
2.6. CAE failure
2.7. CAE deadlock
3.1. Attributes of the bean element
3.2. Condition classes which could be used in the <bean> element.
3.3. Attributes of the property element
3.4. Properties used to configure Multi-Site Management
3.5. Options of CapLoginModule
3.6. Options of the LdapLoginModule
3.7. CoreMedia services
3.8. NameLoginPredicate options
3.9. AttributeLoginPredicate options
3.10. JndiNameLoginPredicate options
3.11. Common options of server utilities
3.12. Options of dump
3.13. Options of the events utility
3.14. Options of license
3.15. The parameters of processorusage
3.16. Options of the publications utility
3.17. Options of the rules utility
3.18. Options of the session utility
3.19. Parameters of validate-multisite
3.20. Issues of validate-multisite
3.21. Options of the changepassword tool
3.22. Options of the clean recycle bin
3.23. Switches of the version collector
3.24. Options of dbindex
3.25. Options of dumpusers
3.26. Options of jmxdump
3.27. Parameters of restoreusers
3.28. Options of runlevel
3.29. Schemaaccess actions
3.30. Parameters of the serverimport utility
3.31. Parameters of the serverexport utility
3.32. Options of tracesession
3.33. Parameters of the usedlicenses utility
3.34. Options of approve
3.35. Options of the bulkpublish tool
3.36. Options of destroy
3.37. Options of publish
3.38. Parameters of the publishall utility
3.39. Parameters of the republish utility
3.40. Parameters of the query utility
3.41. Identifiers and literals
3.42. Parameters of the queryapprove utility
3.43. Parameters of the querypublish utility
3.44. Parameters of the search utility
3.45. Standard groups
3.46. Users and their groups
3.47. Users and their groups in Content Management Server only
3.48. Default mapping of user rights
3.49. Workflow role groups
3.50. User rights
3.51. Example rule table
3.52. Rule to read a content item
3.53. Rule to create a content item
3.54. Rule for content item operations
3.55. Rules to move a content item
3.56. Rule to mark or (un)mark a content item for deletion
3.57. Rules to delete a content item
3.58. Rule to (dis)approve a content item
3.59. Rule to publish a content item
3.60. Rule to check in content items of other users
3.61. Rule to read folder properties
3.62. Rule to place approve or disapprove a folder
3.63. Rule to publish a folder
3.64. Rule to create subfolders
3.65. Rule to operate on subfolders
3.66. Rules to move a folder
3.67. Rule to supervise a content item
3.68. Rule to supervise content items in a folder
3.69. Rule to supervise a folder
3.70. Example rules for rights computation
3.71. Example for conflicting rules
3.72. Example rules to compute effective rights
3.73. Example rules with implicit navigate through right
3.74. Example rules with resolved navigate through right
3.75. Example rules with implicit READ right
3.76. Example rules with explicit READ right
3.77. Example rules with READ right withdrawn
3.78. Example groups
4.1. Attributes of a StringProperty field
4.2. Attributes of an XmlProperty field
4.3. Attributes of LinkListProperty
4.4. Attributes of XmlGrammar element
4.5. Attributes of the XMLSchema element
4.6. Attributes of the ImportGrammar element
4.7. System attributes of the content type table
4.8. How to delete properties of different type
5.1. contentserver.properties
5.2. contentserver.properties
5.3. contentserver.properties
5.4. publisher.properties
5.5. Properties for configuration of database connection
5.6. Properties for configuration of database schema
5.7. Properties for the configuration of the XML property conversion
5.8. Properties for configuration of blob and SgmlText collector
5.9. Properties to configure the SQL connection Pool
5.10. replicator.properties
5.11. capclient.properties
5.12. HTTP authentication
5.13. Properties for exported content types
5.14. Properties for the session timeout
5.15. The properties for the information file
5.16. Properties for character encoding
5.17. Properties for further customization
5.18. JMX manageable attributes of the Content Server
5.19. JMX manageable operations of the Content Server
5.20. JMX manageable attributes of the Publisher
5.21. JMX manageable attributes for Publication Targets
5.22. JMX manageable operations of the Publisher
5.23. JMX manageable attributes of the Replicator