
The search utility invokes the full-text search to find content in the repository.

usage: cm search -u <user> [-p <password>] [-d <domain>]
 [-url <ior url>]
          [-q <query>] [-t <contenttype>] [-f <folder>]
available options:
 -d,--domain <domain name>        domain for login 
 -f,--folder <folder>             folder including subfolders
 -p,--password <password>         password for login
 -q,--query <query>               query string
 -t,--contenttype <contenttype>   filter by contenttype
 (including inherited types)
 -u,--user <user name>            user for login (required)
 -url <ior url>                   url to connect to
 -v,--verbose                     enables verbose output

Example 3.32. Usage of search utility

Parameter Description
-t Only search for content items of the given content type and inherited types.
-q The string to search for.
-f Only search in the given folder and its subfolders.

Table 3.44. Parameters of the search utility