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5.2. Configuration in publisher.properties

The publisher is a sub process running in the Content Management Server. When the publisher publishes resources, it creates new sessions to the Content Management Server and the Master Live Server. You configure the publisher in the file publisher.properties of the Content Management Server installation.

If you change user name, domain and password for the publisher, you have to make these changes in the user administration of the appropriate server too. To change the settings of the Master Live Server, you need to connect to the Master Live Server with the Site Manager. Then you can use the user administration (see Section 3.16.6, “Managing Users”) for the changes.

When defining publisher priorities as described subsequently, the idea is to prioritize sessions with a higher portion of user interaction. Higher numerical values indicate a publication that has to be processed first. By convention, publication priorities should be nonnegative integers. Usually, the default priorities ensure a smooth publisher operation. When applying a change, two unmodifiable values have to be taken into account: Expedited server publications of rights rules run at a priority of 100. All customized priorities must be strictly less than that value. Accelerated CoreMedia Editor publications run at a priority of 80. Automated publications should normally receive a lower priority.

In the properties given below, some properties take a different form when using CoreMedia Multi-Site Management. In that case, an index number is used to indicate the publication target that is configured using this property value. The index numbers are consecutive integers starting with 1 and running up to the number of publication targets.

Property Value Default Description
publisher.local.user string publisher The user name for logging in locally to the Content Management Server.
publisher.local.domain string   The domain for logging in locally to the Content Management Server.
publisher.local.password string publisher The password for logging in locally to the Content Management Server.
publisher.target.ior.url http://<LiveServerMasterComputerName>:<PORT>/coremedia/ior N/A The URL where the publisher can obtain the IOR of the Master Live Server (required, single-site mode only).
publisher.target.user string publisher The user name for logging in to the Master Live Server (single-site mode only).
publisher.target.domain string   The domain for logging in to the Master Live Server (single-site mode only).
publisher.target.password string publisher The password for logging in to the Master Live Server (single-site mode only).
publisher.target.<n>.{ior.url,user,domain,password} (see above) (see above) Login data for the publisher. These values correspond to the four properties above, but different numeric values of n are used to distinguish publication targets (multi-site mode only).
publisher.target.<n>.name intranet publication-target-<n> The permanent and unique name of the publication target. Once set, it should never be changed, as this name is used for target identification in the APIs and in JMX (multi-site mode only).
publisher.target.<n>.display.name Intranet value of publisher.target.<n>.name The display name is shown to users when no localized information about a publication target is available; display names, too, should be unique, but they may well change to better illustrate the current uses of a publication target (multi-site mode only).
publisher.target.<n>.folders comma-separated list of names and/or ids of base folders, for example, intranet, download, 4711   The base folders that are assigned to a publication target. This property typically references exactly one top-level folder, either by name or by its numerical id. If more than one site is generated from a single Live Server, multiple top-level folders may be given, separated by commas. When indicating a folder by name, that name is blocked for rename operations on the top-level folder. Once you have assigned a folder to a publication target, it must not be reassigned to another target. Doing so would result in inconsistencies between Content Management Server and Master Live Server (multi-site mode only).
publisher.enableBypassPreviews true / false true Whether publication previews bypass ("true") or not ("false") the publication queue for faster response times.
publisher.autoextend.latestApprovedVersion true/false false

This property affects the automatic extension of publication sets. The default behavior ("false") is as follows:

  • If the referenced content item is not published yet, publish its earliest approved version.

  • If the referenced content item is already published, do nothing

If set to "true", not the earliest but the latest (= newest) approved version is published.

publisher.autoextend.updateLinkedDocuments true/false false This property affects the automatic extension of publication sets. By default, ("false") only direct linked and approved content items are added to the publication set. If set to "true", all linked content items are recursively added to the publication set. The recursion stops when a version is already published and may lead to surprisingly large publication sets. Setting updateLinkedDocuments implicitly also sets latestApprovedVersion.
publisher.autoextend.maxFailures int 0 The maximum number of implicitly added content items and folders whose publication may fail before no further content items and folders may be added implicitly. If set to 0 (the default), the publisher never stops adding content items and folders.
publisher.destroyIntermediateVersions off, strict, dumb strict

Whether intermediate content item versions between two publications will be destroyed or not on the Content Management Server. Example for dumb mode: Version 1 of content item A was published. In the meantime, the versions 2, 3, 4 and 5 have been created. When you now publish version 5, the versions 2, 3, 4 are destroyed and only version 1 and 5 remain on the Content Server.

Old flags true and false are supported, too. false maps to off while true maps to strict.

Available Modes

Turns destruction of intermediate versions off.
Simply destroys all versions between the currently published one and the previously published one; if you run into performance issues on publication or you do not use a multi-site set up this should be chosen. Mind that for multi-site set up this setting might break translation states.
Destroys all versions between the currently published one and the previously published one, but only if the versions are not referenced by master/masterVersion properties. This ensures that for a multi-site set up your translation state will be valid. This setting is recommended for multi-site set ups.
publisher.destroyOlderVersionsOnLiveServers true / false true Whether older published versions should be destroyed ("true") on the Master Live Server. That is, only two published versions (the current and the one before) of each content item remain on the Master Live Server. Only change if you have a valid reason.
publisher.priority.gui.editor 0...99 60 The priority of publications requested through the Site Manager (default 60).
publisher.priority.uapi 0...99 40 The priority of publications requested through the Unified API (default 40).
publisher.priority.jpython 0...99 20 The priority of publications requested through Jython code (obsolete, default 40).
publisher.priority.importer 0...99 20 The priority of publications requested through an importer (default 20).
publisher.priority.unknown 0...99 20 The priority of publications of unknown origin.

Table 5.4. publisher.properties