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5.6. Reference of webdav.properties

This section contains a description of the properties of the file webdav.properties. The file contains the configuration of the WebDAV Server such as authentication settings, exported content types and session timeout.


Property Value Default Description
authentication.scheme.<n> Basic or Digest  

This property configures the supported methods of HTTP/HTTPS authentication. This determines whether the password of the client will be submitted encrypted (Digest) or in plain text (Basic).

The WebDAV clients of Windows Vista and Windows 7 support Basic authentication only for secure HTTPS connections. Digest authentication can be used with HTTP connections but does not support authentication of LDAP users. Therefore, it is recommended to use Basic authentication with HTTPS:

  • authentication.scheme.1=Basic

You can configure the WebDAV Server to support both Basic and Digest but note that most clients will always choose the first configured authentication method.

  • authentication.scheme.1=Basic

  • authentication.scheme.2=Digest

Table 5.12. HTTP authentication

Exported Content Types and Properties

Property Value Default Description
filesystem.documentFileType file or folder file The default mapping used to export content items. If this is set to folder, all content types exported without a filesystem.export.<n>.fileType property are mapped to WebDAV folders. Otherwise, they are mapped to WebDAV files.
filesystem.appendFileExtension true or false true

If true, a file type extension is appended to all content items exported as files. The extension is derived from the MIME type of the exported property and must be configured in mime.properties. When creating a new content file, the extension will not show up in the content's name but will only be used to set the MIME type of the stored blob field. For content file creation, the MIME type and extension must be configured in mime.properties in a way that it is possible to reconstruct the same extension from the MIME type without ambiguities.

If false, no file extension is appended and exported files have exactly the same name as the CoreMedia content items they represent.

filesystem.export.<n>.docType content type   Defines the exported content type. All content types that inherit from the specified content type are also exported. <n> is a number different for each content type. Properties with the same number <n> belong together.
filesystem.export.<n>.fileType file or folder the value of filesystem.documentFileType The mapping used to export content items of the type with number <n>. If this is set to folder, the content type is exported as WebDAV folder, which contains files for its exported fields. Otherwise, it is exported as WebDAV file with the content of a single exported field.
filesystem.export.<n>.property[.<m >] content field   This property defines the exported fields (also named properties) of the exported content type. For the file mapping, only one field in a content type can be exported. For the folder mapping, replace [.<m>] with different numbers to specify multiple exported fields.
filesystem.export.<n>.extension[.<m >] extension   If a client creates a new WebDAV file or folder, a respective content item or folder is created in the CoreMedia Content Server. The type of a created item depends on the extension of the created WebDAV file or folder. Set the value of this property to the extension of the file such as .doc for a Word document. Replace <n> with the number for the respective content type. To map multiple extensions to a single content type (for instance jpg and jpeg), use multiple properties with different numbers for [.<m>]. You can use an asterisk (*) to configure a rule for all not explicitly configured extensions. Note, that it is not possible to mix characters and such an asterisk.
filesystem.export.<n>.emptyDocument Path or numeric ID of a content item   If the exported field of a content item is empty, a zero-byte file appears in the WebDAV folder. Some WebDAV clients may have problems with an empty file. You can configure the WebDAV Server to read the content from a property of a substitute content item in the repository. Replace <n> with the number of the exported content type and <path|id> with the path or numeric ID of the substitute content item. The user needs read rights on this item. All further changes like save or delete are performed not on the substitute content item, but on the originally selected item with the initially empty field.

Table 5.13. Properties for exported content types

For example:


The example exports the content types WordFile and Article. Content items of type WordFile are exported as files with the content of the field data. Content items of type Article are exported as folders with two contained files for their fields text and image. When a WebDAV client opens an empty WordFile item, the content of the field data of the item /substitute/word is returned instead. The WebDAV Server creates content items of type WordFile for files with extensions .doc and .rtf and content items of type Article for WebDAV folders with the extension -Article.

Localize Field Names

With the folder mapping fields of content items are mapped to WebDAV files below a folder which represents the item. By default, the names of the files are the same as the names of the fields of the content item with an additional extension. The names can be localized in the same way as in the Site Manager. Create additional files for the different locales in the same directory as the file webdav.properties such as webdav_de.properties and webdav_en.properties. Note, that only field localization is used from locale specific configuration files. Localize the file names with properties of the following format: <DocumentType>/<FieldName>Label. Replace <DocumentType> with the document type and <FieldName> with the name of the field.

For example:

Article/textLabel = Description
Article/imageLabel = Picture

Session timeout

Property Value Default Description
filesystem.sessionTimeout seconds 600 The WebDAV Server opens a session to the CoreMedia Content Server for each user. After the specified time (in seconds) of inactivity the session is closed automatically and opened again when the user continues his work. There are two reasons why it is necessary to set this value: If the timeout value is small, the session is closed more often and the server response time increases. If the timeout value is too big, a license is consumed and cannot be used by another user. The system checks all timeout/4 seconds, but at least all 2 minutes and at most all 5 seconds if the session timed out.

Table 5.14. Properties for the session timeout

Information File

Property Value Default Description
filesystem.infoFile.name file name info.html This property configures the name of the information file.
filesystem.infoFile false, true true This property suppresses the creation of the information file by choosing "false".
filesystem.rememberMessages int 20 This property configures the number of error messages shown in the information file.

Table 5.15. The properties for the information file


Property Value Default Description
uriEncoding UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1 UTF-8 Neither HTTP nor WebDAV specify the encoding which has to be used to transform the URI character representation into a byte sequence before hexadecimal escaping can be done. Most of the current WebDAV applications use ISO-8859-1 (latin-1) encoding. However, some clients require UTF-8 encoded URIs. The behavior of the WebDAV server can be configured, using this property. The setting is valid for all applications using the WebDAV server.
filesystem.default.encoding UTF-8   Some WebDAV clients do not set a character encoding when sending request. The default encoding of the web application server will then be used instead for storing files. If this is a problem you might switch the default encoding for such a case with this property.

Table 5.16. Properties for character encoding


Property Value Default Description
filesystem.listener class name   Registers a custom implementation of com.coremedia.cap.webdav.filesystem.FileSystemListener which is notified when a content property is written with WebDAV. See the API documentation for details.
filesystem.orb.jndi JNDI Name   Sets a new ORB to use which gets looked up via JNDI. For IBM WebShere you should set this to java:comp/ORB.

Table 5.17. Properties for further customization