loading table of contents... Publish

With the publish tool you can publish resources.

usage: cm publish -u <user> <other options>  [ -l <limit> ]
          [ <id1>... | -I <id1>... | -t <path1>... |
            -cq <query1>... ]

available options:

 -cq,--contentquery <query>   query/queries to select contents
 -d,--domain <domain name>    domain for login (default=<builtin>)
 -I,--id <id>                 id(s) to select content objects
 -l,--limit <limit>           limits the number of content objects
                              to select, negative for unlimited
                              which is also the default
 -p,--password <password>     password for login
 -t,--path <path>             path(s) to select content objects
 -u,--user <user name>        user for login (required)
 -url <ior url>               url to connect to
 -v,--verbose                 enables verbose output

The options have the following meaning:

Parameter Description
-cq <query> Content Selection Content Query to locate contents. Parameter can be used multiple times. Results will be ORed.
-I <id> Content Selection Select content objects via explicit id. This is an alternative if you want to mix explicit ids with for example content queries. Parameter can be used multiple times. Results will be ORed.
-t <path> Content Selection The path of a resource to be published. Parameter can be used multiple times. Results will be ORed.
<ids> Content Selection IDs to be published. If mixing with other content selection parameters it is recommended to explicitly use the parameter -I Parameter can be used multiple times. Results will be ORed.
-l <limit> Content Selection Limit the number of selected contents. Default is unlimited.

Table 3.37. Options of publish


For information about the UAPI query syntax see Section 5.5, “Query Service” in CoreMedia Unified API Developer Manual.

The publish tool publishes the very latest versions (including working revisions of checked out content items) of the specified resources immediately. This includes all mandatory preliminary actions:

  • Checking in the resource

  • Approving the latest version

  • Approving the place (for the whole path)

publish does not cause dead links on the master server but also publishes all referenced resources if necessary. However, those referenced resources are not published as eagerly as the specified resources. If a referenced resource is already published, nothing is done. Otherwise, the latest approved version is published. If there is no approved version, the very latest version is published.