loading table of contents... Bulkpublish

With the bulkpublish tool you can publish or withdraw all resources below a given folder. If necessary, you can automatically check-in resources and approve them.

usage: cm bulkpublish -u <user> [other options] [-f <path>] 

available options:

 -a,--approve                combines -ap and -av
 -ap,--approve-places        approve if not place approved
 -av,--approve-versions      approve the latest checked-in
 -b,--publish                publish if approved, but don't
                             delete or withdraw
 -ub,--unpublish             withdraw unpublish if approved,
                             but don't delete
 -bs,--batchsize <arg>       number of approve/placeApprove
                             operations to execute per batch
                             (default 1000)
 -c,--checkin                checkin checked out contents
 -d,--domain <domain name>   domain for login
 -f,--folder <folder>        base folder for all operations
                             (mandatory only for multisite
 -p,--password <password>    password for login
 -u,--user <user name>       user for login (required)
 -url <ior url>              url to connect to
 -v,--verbose                enables verbose output

Example 3.25. Usage of bulkpublish

The options have the following meaning:

Parameter Description
-a Equivalent to the combination of -ap and -av.
-ap Approve the place of any content below the base folder that is not place approved yet.
-av Approve the latest checked-in version of each document below the base folder.
-b Publish all resources below the base folder that are approved but not published yet and that are not marked for deletion or withdrawal.
-ub All resources below the base folder that are published will be withdrawn from the Master Live Server.
-c Check-in all content items below the base folder which are checked-out.
-f The path of a folder for which you want to start the operations (such as /articles/sport). If no path is entered, all resources below the root folder will be used. If you use a multi-site enabled system, it is mandatory to enter a path to a folder that belongs to a single base folder (see Section 2.3, “Multi-Site Publishing”). This option can be given multiple times.

Table 3.35. Options of the bulkpublish tool