Studio Developer Manual / Version 2104
Table Of Contents
Once an action is registered in the actionList
of a container, a shortcut can easily be applied
to it via the AddKeyboardShortcut
. Continuing from the example code
of the previous section, this looks like follows.
<editor:StudioPlugin ...> ... <editor:configuration> <editor:AddKeyboardShortcut shortcut="{resourceManager.getString( 'com.coremedia.cms.editor.sdk.shortcuts.Shortcut', 'Shortcut_my_action_key')}" description="{resourceManager.getString( 'com.coremedia.cms.editor.sdk.shortcuts.Shortcut', 'Shortcut_my_action_description')}" actionId="{MY_GLOBAL_ACTION_ID}" defaultEventAction="stopEvent"/> ... </editor:configuration> </editor:StudioPlugin>
The example shows how a shortcut is registered for MyGlobalAction
that is already registered.
Shortcuts are defined inside the properties file
. For customizing existing shortcuts, a properties file
has to be created that overrides the
file via the following code snippet that can be added
to the fx:Script
section of your Studio plugin:
<fx:Script><![CDATA[ ... ResourceBundle.overrideProperties( ResourceManager.getInstance().getResourceBundle(null, "com.coremedia.cms.editor.sdk.shortcuts.Shortcut"), ResourceManager.getInstance().getResourceBundle(null, "") ); ... ]]></fx:Script>
To ensure that the documentation for newly created shortcuts is generated automatically and shown in the Studio preferences dialog, the key values inside the properties file must match the following format: