Studio Developer Manual / Version 2104
Table Of ContentsFor the Synchronization Workflow, a custom merge strategy can be added to the Merge Strategy Chooser of the Start Synchronization Workflow Panel.
This customization requires a change for the studio-client and the workflow-server. The change for studio-client is described in this section, for customization of the workflow-server refer to Section, “ AutoMergeSyncAction ” in Blueprint Developer Manual .
To add a custom merge strategy, configure the AddMergeStrategyPlugin in the configuration section of a Studio plugin. The plugin requires the following parameters:
processDefinition: Process definition of the workflow, that is, "Synchronization"
mergeStrategy: Name of the bean of the custom merge strategy, for example "customMergeStrategy"
<collab:AddMergeStrategyPlugin processDefinition="Synchronization" mergeStrategy="customMergeStrategy"/>
Example 7.94. Usage of AddMergeStrategyPlugin
The name of the merge strategy in the MergeStrategyChooser, the help title and help text can be customized by adding properties to a resource bundle. The properties are suffixed with the merge strategy name:
- MergeStrategyChooser_mergeStrategy_name_customMergeStrategy: Name displayed in Merge Strategy Chooser
- MergeStrategyChooser_help_title_customMergeStrategy: Help Title
- MergeStrategyChooser_help_text_customMergeStrategy: Help Text
The resource bundle is applied to the ControlRoom properties (com.coremedia.cms.editor.controlroom.ControlRoom
via CopyResourceBundleProperties