Studio Developer Manual / Version 2104
Table Of ContentsWhen pasting rich text from Microsoft Word into CoreMedia Studio, some characters of the pasted text might originate from the Word symbol font. CoreMedia Studio maps such characters to their named entities or Unicode equivalents using a mapping table.
The replacement is done by a CKEditor plugin named cmsymbolfontmapper
. So you may completely
disable the behavior by removing this plugin. The plugin depends on CKEditor plugin
Paste from Word and registers a listener to the event
with priority 10.
You can modify the behavior by either adding a listener to the event or by configuring the replacement map. You have the option either to add or replace existing mappings or to provide your very own mapping.
<ui:RichTextArea> <ui:plugins exml:mode="append"> <ui:CustomizeCKEditorPlugin> <ui:ckConfig> <fx:Object symbolCharacterReplacementMap="{{ mode: 'add', 37:'&permil;', 64:'&#x1F4E7;', 65:'<b>A</b>' }}" /> </ui:ckConfig> </ui:CustomizeCKEditorPlugin> </ui:plugins> </ui:RichTextArea>
Example 7.27. Configuring the rich text symbol mapping
The example Example 7.27, “Configuring the rich text symbol mapping” demonstrates how to add and override additional
mappings for the symbol font. The map consists of key-value pairs where the keys are the character
codes to replace and the values are their HTML replacement, which is most likely an entity but you
may also specify any HTML code. In the example the character 'A'
(65) is replaced by itself
and wrapped by a bold tag.
It is important to note that the resulting HTML code must be properly encoded. If you are configuring
the replacement map within MXML, you also need to ensure that you do proper XML encoding. That is why
the configuration example contains the ampersand encoded as XML entity &
Furthermore, the example shows that the character '@'
(64) is replaced by a Unicode
entity which represents an email symbol and the character '%'
(37) which is replaced
by a named entity for the per mile sign.
The mode
is either add
or replace
, where add
is the
default and fallback for unknown modes. add
will add or override symbol mappings while
will create a very own mapping.