Studio Developer Manual / Version 2104
Table Of ContentsThe following figure illustrates the concept of document form tab reusability.
Tab Proxy
is a lightweight representative of an actual WorkArea Premular
It basically just displays the title of its content item and otherwise has or does not have an active association
with a real Premular
. These proxies are what the Studio user perceives as
the currently opened WorkArea
tabs. However, under the hood there are possibly fewer tabs present in
the WorkArea
. Instead, Premulars
are reused to display multiple content items over the course of a Studio
session. For each content type, a reusability limit can be configured that limits the amount
of actual Premulars
for content items of this type.
The figure shows the case where the limit is 2 for articles. After the user opens the
two articles A and B, the two created tab proxies are each
associated with a corresponding WorkArea
. When the user opens the third article
C, reusability takes place. No new Premular
is created. Instead,
the least recently used one is reused, which is the tab that currently holds the content for
A. This Premular
gets filled with its new content for C. When
the user switches back to article A, the Premular
currently holding the content
of B is reused and filled with the content for A. So no
matter how many more articles the user opens, there will only be more proxies but no more
real Premulars
than 2. Only if the user would open a content item of a different type (say, a picture)
a new Premular
would be created.