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Studio Developer Manual / Version 2104

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7.25.2 Adapter Configuration

The configuration for a Feedback Hub Adapter can be provided via a settings document. For Feedback Hub every adapter needs its own document. Here it is possible to configure for which content type and also in which tab of the Feedback Hub window an adapter appears. Adapters can be grouped into panels via the groupId. If two adapters share the same group ID, they appear in the same panel. For every new groupId a new panel is shown in the Feedback Hub window. How to configure the item see Section 7.25.3, “Localization”. You can define a Feedback Hub configuration globally by placing the document in the folder structure /Settings/Options/Settings/Feedback Hub. If you want to define a site specific Feedback Hub configuration, you need to place the document in the folder structure SITE_ROOT_FOLDER/Options/Settings/Feedback Hub. The name of the document itself is not relevant. The settings document must hold a struct with at the following entries:

Name Type Description
factoryId String The identifier of the implementing factory class. The value must match the return value of the method getId.
targetProperty String The name of the property, where the feedback refers to
groupId String The groupId configures in which tab of the Feedback Hub window the Adapter is shown. If several adapters share the same groupId, they are shown in the same tab.
contentTypes String A list of comma separated values for which content types the adapter is shown.
enabled Boolean Only if set to true, the adapter appears.
reloadMode String Can be set to manual, auto or none. If set to auto, the adapter feedback will reload the feedback automatically when the corresponding observedProperties are configured and changed. If set to manual, the user will have to reload the feedback manually. If set to none, no reload attempt will be triggerd.
observedProperties String A comma separated list of property names that the Feedback Hub will listen to if reloadMode is set to manual or auto. Unknown properties will be ignored silently, because the adapter may have been configured for different content types which don't share the same property names.
settings Struct A struct that defines the attributes that will be passed to the specific adapters. The attributes set in your settings struct have to match the Settings-Interface, mentioned in Section 7.25.1, “Basic Setup”. The values of the struct will be passed to your Adapter

Table 7.11.  Connection Struct Properties

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