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Studio Developer Manual / Version 2104

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7.24.2 Adapter Configuration

Once the implementation of an adapter has been created, an additional configuration must be available to tell Studio which concrete instances to display. These instances are configured in settings documents in a folder named Connections. The Connections folder should contain only Content Hub connections documents, otherwise you will encounter some warnings in the logging. Each document contains a Struct List connections. Every connection sub-struct defines the following properties:

Name Type Required Description
connectionId String x The identifier of the connection. For technical reasons, it must not contain '/' characters.
factoryId String x The identifier of the implementing factory class.
settings Struct x A struct that defines the connection attributes.
enabled Boolean Allows disabling a connection.
itemTypes Link Links to a settings document that contains the item type mapping. Alternatively, you can override getItemTypes() in your ContentHubAdapterType and implement this mapping hard coded.
contentTypeMapping Link Links to a settings document that contains the mapping from Content Hub types to content types. Alternatively, you can override getContentTypeMapping() in your ContentHubAdapterType and implement this mapping hard coded.

Table 7.8.  Connection Struct Properties

Every connection struct must contain a sub-struct settings. Properties of this struct will automatically be mapped to the settings interface that you have created for the adapter. For example, if the settings interface contains the method String getConnectionUrl(), then the struct must provide the String property connectionUrl.

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