Studio Developer Manual / Version 2104
Table Of Contents
The following part explains which interfaces have to be implemented in your studio-lib
The Error handling and its localization for the client is explained in Section 7.25.4, “Error handling”.
How to configure your Adapter bindings is explained in Section 7.25.2, “Adapter Configuration”.
First it is necessary to provide a Settings interface, which has getters for the configurable data of your Adapter.
Settings interfaces are used to map Adapter specific connection parameters (like credentials) to Java code.
You only have to declare the Settings interface according to the data your Adapter needs.
Implementations are generated automatically, backed with the data of your configuration.
The getter
methods of these interfaces must match the corresponding fields
of the settings
struct as described in Section 7.25.2, “Adapter Configuration”.
The name of the interface is arbitrary, the Settings
suffix is just a convention.
An implementation of a FeedbackHubAdapterFactory
delivers instances of a
, that is used for the actual
connection to an external system. The id that is returned within the getId
method, has to match
the factoryId
value from your Section 7.25.2, “Adapter Configuration”.
In the create
method you must return an instance of the specific FeedbackHubAdapter
The method receives the adapter specific settings as parameter. Any errors that occur during the
creation of a FeedbackHubAdapter
can be thrown as
(described in Section 7.25.4, “Error handling”) if they should result into a specific error message at the client.
Any other exceptions result in a general error message at the client.
The factory needs to be available as a Spring bean within the Spring context of the studio-server
Therefore, you also must provide a Spring configuration file that instantiates the FeedbackHubAdapterFactory as Spring Bean (@Bean),
so that it can be collected by the Feedback Hub framework.
A BlobKeywordsFeedbackHubAdapter
is a predefined adapter which delivers a list of KeyWords for a given blob and a locale.
The result type of the getKeywords
method is
. This enables you to implement
long running operations, like round trips to external systems, with the stage's asynchronous execution
facilities so that no threads are blocked.
is called, when a user requests keywords for CoreMedia content.
It will receive a blob from the content (which is configured in the Section 7.25.2, “Adapter Configuration”) and the locale from the content.
Any errors that occur during the calculation of keywords can be thrown as
(described in Section 7.25.4, “Error handling”) if they should result into a specific error message at the client.
Any other exceptions will result in a general error message at the client.
The following table shows the settings that are configurable for the BlobKeywordsContentFeedbackProviderSettings
Name | Type | Description |
sourceBlobProperty | String | The name of the content blob property to analyze and compute keywords for. |
Table 7.9. Settings Struct Properties
A TextContentFeedbackProvider
is a predefined adapter which
delivers a list of FeedbackItem
s for a given list of property values.
The result type of the analyzeText
method is
. This enables you to implement
long running operations, like round trips to external systems, with the stage's asynchronous execution
facilities so that no threads are blocked.
Any errors that occur during the calculation of keywords can be thrown as
(described in Section 7.25.4, “Error handling”) if they should result into a specific error message at the client.
Any other exceptions will result in a general error message at the client.
The following table shows the settings that are configurable for the TextContentFeedbackProviderSettings
Name | Type | Description |
sourceProperties | String | A comma separated list of property names that are used to extract text from. If the text is a markup field, the markup will be converted to plain-text automatically. Invalid properties will be ignored since it is possible to configure the adapter for multiple document types. |
Table 7.10. Settings Struct Properties
The FeedbackHubErrorCode
is part of the error handling, described in
Section 7.25.4, “Error handling”
and needs to be implemented by an enum
. The enum
stores all error codes for errors that can occur
within the specific adapter implementation or its factory. In case of an error the code is transferred
to the client where it is shown as an error message in Feedback Hub's window Nagbar.